Moisturizing face masks top 10

Cosmetic facial care is necessary for any woman, regardless of age, and the rating of the best moisturizing face masks includes compositions for different skin types. Thanks to the masks, the skin receives nutrition and hydration, becomes radiant and smooth.

Features and purpose of anti-aging face masks

Anti-aging masks vary in composition and action, but in the ranking of the best, the first places are occupied by products that provide deep hydration of the skin.

Features of anti-aging masks:

  1. Anti-aging products can be used starting at the age for which they are intended, but not earlier.
  2. Contraindications should be taken into account, the presence of allergies to potent ingredients of the product (hyaluronic acid).
  3. You should not often use beauty products with components that interfere with the natural production of collagen. This threatens that the tissues will no longer naturally synthesize collagen and will require more radical procedures.
  4. Anti-aging masks are recommended to be carried out in courses of 3 months, the next course is possible no earlier than six months later.
  5. The duration of exposure of the composition to the skin should be 15-20 minutes. The face, neck and décolleté are treated.

Note! Cosmetologists recommend using cosmetic products with anti-aging effects after 22 years of age to prevent premature skin aging.

Types and purpose of anti-aging masks:

  1. Aldehydic. Used to maintain facial contours and have a draining effect.
  2. Gel. Contain gelatin or agar-agar, which eliminates fine wrinkles.
  3. Fabric. They are a piece of fabric impregnated with a special composition.
  4. Wax. Consisting of beeswax or paraffin, they improve blood circulation in skin cells.
  5. Clay. Often used in home cosmetology, they tone the skin well and tighten enlarged pores.

Rules for selecting masks

In order to choose an effective mask, you need to consider several factors:

  1. Skin type. Dry skin needs nourishment with oils; sensitive skin cannot tolerate the drying effects of alcohol. Zinc, kaolin, and tea tree essential oil have a healing effect on oily skin types. A moisturizing mask for normal skin removes toxins and cleanses pores.
  2. Season. During the autumn-winter season, normal and even oily skin can become dry and chapped. At this time of year, the face needs more nourishing care than in summer.
  3. Age. Caring for young and mature skin is very different. Aging skin needs intensive nutrition and hydration, while young skin needs deep cleansing. The top masks for aging facial skin include products containing jojoba oil, hyaluronic acid, vitamins A and E, and fatty acids.

We invite you to see the best masks for moisturizing your face:

Rating of the best store masks

The ranking of the best cosmetic products necessarily includes fabric face masks. This type of skin care appeared relatively recently, initially it was presented by Korean brands, but now it is also produced by leaders in the beauty industry.

Interesting! Sheet masks do not contain silicones or glycerin, so they are products that work better than regular creams. Cotton fabric is impregnated with a cosmetic composition. The product is almost completely absorbed and does not contain harmful substances.

  1. Aravia Essential Mask takes first place in the ranking of the best masks for oily skin. The thick, viscous consistency of the mask regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores, stimulates skin regeneration, and refreshes the complexion.
  2. Megamint pore-cleansing mask from Lush. The product is based on clay, mint essential oil, contains inclusions of seeds and has an absorbent effect.
  3. Top Face alginate mask with blue clay from Savonry. It has a rich composition: vitamin and oil complexes, fig juice, kaolin. Light jelly-like consistency spreads comfortably over the face. The product fights pimples, redness, mattifies the skin without drying it out.
  1. A sheet moisturizing mask with avocado from the Korean brand Tony Moly is presented in the rating of products for dry skin. Intensively nourishes, smoothes out skin unevenness, tones and saturates tissues with moisture.
  2. "Aevit" from Librederm. A nourishing concentrated product with regular course use slows down the withering process. Removes dry skin and promotes tissue regeneration. The mask does not need to be washed off.
  3. Avene mask for dry and sensitive skin (France). The product is made from thermal water and nutritional components. Suitable for restoring skin exposed to ultraviolet radiation, and is also effective in the fight against dry skin.
  1. Fabric alginate nourishing mask Hydro Comfort, La Grace (France). Professionally protects the skin from harmful external factors: wind, sun, low temperature. Contains fruit acids, seaweed and collagen.
  2. Natural organic mask “Terrible Power” from Meela Meelo (Russia). It has the appearance of fruit jelly, a completely natural composition based on kaolin and pieces of berries. Lactic acid renews the outer layer of the skin. The mask perfectly nourishes and moisturizes.
  1. The rating of moisturizing face masks includes the Collistar mask (Italy). Contains jojoba oil and wheat germ oil, helps cope with age-related changes and signs of fatigue.
  2. Sheet mask from Elizavecca (Korea). Increases skin turgor, gives elasticity to the epidermis, accelerates blood circulation. Designed for women over 30 years old.

The best homemade masks

Among the best masks for facial skin care there are not only luxury cosmetics, but also products made using homemade beauty recipes. For oily, dry and normal skin, the best masks differ in ingredients.

This type of skin needs cleansing and reducing the intensity of the sebaceous glands. Many recipes have been invented for oily skin; among the best in the ranking is a mask made from watermelon and oatmeal, which moisturizes and mattifies the skin.

Mask composition:

  1. 2 tbsp. ground oatmeal (to a powdery consistency);
  2. 1 tbsp. watermelon juice.

Apply the mask to a cleansed face for 20 minutes.

Dry and sensitive skin needs careful hydration, so moisturizers take first place in the ranking of the best homemade masks.

Cottage cheese is a natural product that can deeply moisturize and soothe sensitive skin. Based on it, nourishing masks are prepared:

  1. Cottage cheese is mixed with sour cream in a 1/1 ratio - this product will intensively nourish the skin, relieve irritation and minor redness.
  2. Honey-curd mask consists of 1 tsp. honey heated in a water bath and 1 tbsp. cottage cheese.
  3. A mask of cottage cheese and carrot juice is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients for dry skin. Carotene contained in carrots, upon contact with milk fat, is converted into vitamin A, which is called the beauty vitamin.

Leave curd masks on the face for 20-25 minutes. It is advisable to lie quietly at this time so that the mask has a more intense effect. The curd masks are washed off with warm water, the face is wiped with a tonic or chamomile decoction, and at the end of the procedure, a cream must be applied.

The rating of moisturizing masks for aging facial skin includes an effective combination of banana and cinnamon, containing:

  1. ¼ ripe banana;
  2. ¼ teaspoon cinnamon;
  3. 1 tsp sour cream.

All ingredients are mixed until smooth, the paste is applied to the face with a spatula and left for half an hour. Cinnamon contains valuable microelements, banana nourishes and produces a soft peeling effect, sour cream nourishes and saturates the skin with vitamins.

Note! You need to take a banana that is bright yellow, falling apart, almost overripe - this fruit contains the highest concentration of vitamins and beneficial minerals.

7 most effective sheet masks

The rating of the best face masks necessarily includes fabric masks. Their popularity is growing, despite their unusual appearance for most. Cosmetologists recommend these products, which are already trending, for regular use.

The rating includes 7 of the most effective tissue preparations:

  1. Skin Needs peptide product with ubiquinin. Has convenient slits for the eyes, nose and mouth. Instantly refreshes complexion.
  2. Caffeine SOS mask with intense lifting effect Dermask Lift Up Your Face Line, Dr. Jart+. Contains active ingredients: collagen, caffeine, aloe extract. Has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.
  3. Anti-aging Lingzhi Mask from Sephora. When used before bed, a noticeable lifting effect can be detected the next morning. Gives smoothness to the skin.
  4. Professional cosmetic product with 100% hyaluronic acid, Dizao Express. Deeply nourishes and rejuvenates the skin. It is recommended to use it daily for 1.5 weeks.
  5. The Saem Pure Natural Mask Sheet Snail (Brightening) brightening mask with snail mucin. A Korean-made product that regenerates the skin, brightens and evens out the complexion.
  6. Sephora Rose Mask with rose moisturizing. Deeply moisturizes the skin, non-comedogenic, smells pleasant of rose.
  7. Authentic Mask, Menard. Stimulates the production of your own collagen, has an intense rejuvenating and lifting effect after one application.

TOP 3 moisturizing masks according to cosmetologists

According to cosmetologists, the rating of the best face masks contains those products that can deeply moisturize and nourish the skin with valuable substances. The most effective drugs can even replace expensive treatments from the salon.

The top best face masks include:

  1. Alginate mask from Libre Derm. This product works on several fronts: smoothes pores, tightens the oval of the face, relieves swelling, nourishes and smoothes the skin. The skin becomes radiant and smooth.
  2. Dolce&Gabbana Aurealux Moisturizing Sheet Mask. Recommended for aging and tired facial skin. Its feature is the instant saturation of fabrics with moisture. The use of a product from Dolce&Gabbana is advisable during the cold season, when the skin suffers from flaking, tightness and lack of moisture. The product has a rich composition - olive oil, golden silk extract, vitamins. The visible result of the mask lasts throughout the whole day.
  3. Night mask Marine Bounce Sleeping Pack, The Skin House. Contains 3 types of seaweed that actively promote collagen synthesis during night sleep. Contains pearl extract and sea water. In the morning, the skin is transformed, looking toned and fresh. Cosmetologists recommend going to bed until 10 pm after the procedure to fully experience the effectiveness.

Face masks are an important element in the arsenal of skincare products for women. You can find a suitable remedy among those on sale or prepare it according to a folk recipe at home. It is important to remember that you should use those products that match your age, skin type and season. There should be no allergies to the ingredients of a beauty product, so it is advisable to conduct a test before first use.

Our skin is a unique organ that protects us from all external influences and takes the brunt of the blow. She suffers from the sun, frost and wind, as well as due to improper care. Take care of it and prepare at least one of the presented moisturizers.

Universal fabric mask

considered the most useful. Many celebrities use it. However, they pay a lot of money for it because they purchase products from well-known brands. One of these companies has revealed the secret ingredients that make up the mask. Thanks to this, you can try an amazing remedy for yourself at a budget price if you prepare it yourself.


Unlike ordinary masks, which are quickly absorbed into the skin or erode in the air, fabric masks have a significant advantage. It holds the nourishing mixture on your face for a long time while you do household chores. This allows the beneficial components of the product to act on the skin for a longer time. The course of sessions should consist of 14 procedures. They can be done regularly or every other day.


To lighten the skin, thereby visually hiding visible defects, and also tighten it, lactic acid is needed. To do this, pour 50 ml of milk at room temperature into 15 g of dry kelp. Under no circumstances should it be hot, otherwise the kelp will curl and its beneficial properties will be lost. After 10 minutes, strain the mixture. For the mask you only need the liquid part, and the squeezed-out pulp can be applied to the neck and décolleté.

Now prepare the butter mixture. Its first component is 5 ml of avocado oil, which is suitable for any skin type. It relieves irritation, restores damaged tissue and is even useful for dermatitis. The next secret ingredient is 5 ml of melon seed oil. It heals minor wounds and smoothes out wrinkles. It can be used by people with both oily and sensitive skin. If it is difficult to find this product, you can replace it with pumpkin seed oil.

Also add 5 drops of orange essential oil, which will cleanse your skin and make it more matte and firm. Follow this with 5 drops of vitamin A. It stimulates collagen production and is excellent for mature skin. You will also need 10 drops of vitamin E for skin elasticity and prevention of rosacea, and 10 ml of aloe juice. Before the butter separates from the milk mixture, dip a sheet mask into the mixture and wet completely. Apply it to your face for 15 minutes, then remove and wait for the remaining care product to be absorbed into the skin. After this, apply moisturizer.

Good to know! A ready-made base for a mask can be easily purchased in the cosmetics department of any supermarket. But you can do it yourself. To do this, you need to buy a small piece of calico, calico, or linen from a fabric store. It should be light, without a pattern, so that the face does not become stained during the procedure. It should be cut sufficiently for the eyes, lips and nose so that you can breathe easily.


Express product for dehydrated and dry skin.

The hot summer sun and daily makeup deprive the skin of moisture. Because of this, there is often a feeling of tightness on the face. This mask will help solve the problem. Any housewife can easily find all its ingredients in her kitchen, which is no less important. The volume of the mask is enough for three applications. After applying it, you will experience only pleasant sensations. It is thick enough to stay on the face and does not dry out or crust over time.

Mash a banana and pour one tablespoon of its pulp with the same amount of pure yogurt without additives. Add 15 g of crushed green tea, 5 g of semolina, 60 g of rice flour, add 10 ml of olive and almond oil, and then pour in 20 ml of boiling water. The ingredients should swell. To do this, let them brew for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, cleanse your skin. Remove the mask after 15 minutes with a damp sponge.

You will feel that your skin is moisturized and softer after the first procedure. But to consolidate the effect, you should complete a course of 5 daily sessions. After this mask, the skin does not need additional moisturizing cream. Banana will give your face a matte finish. Rice flour will whiten and exfoliate dead epidermal cells, and also relieve irritation. You can prepare it yourself. To do this, simply grind the rice grains in a coffee grinder. Green tea is suitable for any skin type. This is an excellent antiseptic and nutritional component. Yogurt will saturate the cells with vitamins B and C, and the oils will have a regenerating effect and smooth out wrinkles.

Toning composition from Egyptian queens for dry skin.

It contains only natural ingredients. You will need to combine 90 g of May honey with a glass of milk and add 10 drops of jasmine essential oil. This mask is unusual in that instead of fabric in the prepared mixture, it is necessary to completely soak a dried lavash sheet. When it softens, you should cut holes in it for the eyes, nose and lips.

You also need to soak a small piece of gauze in the liquid composition. And before applying the mask, it is important to remove makeup and perform a facial massage in the form of light tapping with your fingertips. Then soaked pita bread is placed on the skin and covered with gauze on top. This will prevent the beneficial components from evaporating quickly. Remove the mask when the pita bread begins to dry out. After the session, you will feel that your skin has become radiant and this will also be noticeable to others.

Plantain mask for flaky skin.

When applying it to the face, avoid the eye and lip areas. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and then wash off with warm water. Fresh plantain leaves have unique properties. They contain vitamins C and K, tannins and citric acid. All this makes our skin well-groomed and healthy.

So, the following recipe will solve the problems of dry skin. Clean and dried leaves should be finely chopped and mashed with a knife or in a mortar. One teaspoon of the finished raw material should be mixed with the same amount of crushed flaxseeds, 2 drops of vitamin A and 3 drops of vitamin E and pour in 10 ml of honey. After mixing the components well, you can apply them to the skin. It is necessary to carry out a course consisting of 5 procedures twice a week.

Plantain mask for the T-zone.

This recipe can be combined with the previous one and apply this composition only to areas with increased oil production to eliminate oily shine. This is especially good for girls with mixed skin types. It is based on the juice from the leaves of the plant. It contains chicken protein, which normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and 30 g of oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder.

Natural facial moisturizer

consists of available products. It includes carrots and apple. They are cleaned, finely rubbed and, without squeezing out the juice, applied to the face. You can expand the composition by adding tomato pulp, a little starch for thickening and olive oil. After such a mask, your face will acquire a beautiful shade and elasticity.


Zucchini mask

will help you not only saturate your skin with additional moisture, but also eliminate minor wrinkles. To do this, the fruit is peeled, grated and mixed with olive oil. To keep the mixture in contact with the skin longer, apply it to a piece of gauze and only then apply it to your face. Rinse it off after 15 minutes with warm water.

Moisturizing and cleansing composition made from rye flour.

Thanks to it, you can also get rid of acne. Combine 15 g of flour with the yolk and green tea leaves (already brewed), and then puree in a blender. The paste mixture will be easy to apply and wash off with water.

Homemade cucumber mask

will moisturize your skin and refresh it. Prepare the pulp of a peeled cucumber and fill it with 10 ml of cream and 15 drops of rose petal tincture. Whisk all the ingredients and apply the mixture on your face. After the procedure, it is recommended to wash your face with non-carbonated mineral water.

Curd product for any skin.

Stock up on full-fat cottage cheese and fresh cabbage. You can use the juice of the vegetable or grind it into a paste. Mix these two ingredients and add liquid honey to them. This mixture will be especially useful in winter for a face that is severely dry from frost and wind.

In order for home beauty sessions to bring lasting benefits, it is important to conduct them regularly from 5 to 14 procedures. This should be done regardless of whether your skin is oily or dry. The main thing is to choose a product that matches your type.






Face masks are truly women's secret weapon. These concentrated multi-component mixtures, designed for intensive care of the face and neck, are capable of solving an incredible number of problems - moisturize, nourish, dry, exfoliate, tone, whiten, rejuvenate. And the ever-growing beauty industry continues to present girls with more and more new options! Special half masks for the eye area - patches, indelible sleeping pack night masks, fabric magnetic masks, film masks. Finding the only one among them that will be the best for you is quite difficult. Our rating includes the best face masks that the cosmetics industry offers us.

Choosing a face mask

First of all, you need to decide what effect you want to get from the mask and find out whether it is suitable for your skin type. For example, as part of masks for dry and sensitive skin There should be no alcohol, but natural oils, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids are welcome! Among the desired ingredients of masks for oily and problem skin — essential oils of chamomile and tea tree, allantoin, aloe vera, clay, zinc.

You also need to decide where the mask will be used. So, for home use, products in jars and tubes are perfect, but on trips and business trips it is much more convenient to take disposable masks in a sachet: make it and throw it away. For express care, when you urgently need to get yourself in order before some important event, it is better to choose alginate masks or hydrogel patches.

How to enhance the effectiveness of masks

It would seem that applying a mask is the simplest procedure that even a teenager can cope with with his eyes closed. But even here you need to know about some subtleties that affect the final result.

Firstly, before using the mask, you should qualitatively cleanse the skin - not only wash your face, but also wipe your face with lotion or tonic; It wouldn't hurt to use a scrub. The ideal option is to pre-steam the skin over a decoction of herbs so that the pores open well and absorb the maximum of valuable substances.

Secondly, during the procedure need to lie down. Forget about the habit of putting on a mask and go finish cooking borscht, talk on the phone with a friend or iron your husband’s shirt! Popular blogger, cosmetologist and author of books on skin care Olga Fem explains that the mask is a fairly heavy substance, and if you wear it in a vertical position, it will pull the skin down, giving the opposite effect instead of a tightening one.

Thirdly, after thoroughly cleaning your face, do not forget to remove the mask apply cream on the skin of the face.

And don’t overuse masks! Two or three times a week is enough.

And our rating, created taking into account the opinions of professionals and reviews of ordinary users, will help you choose the best face mask according to your skin type.