Vitamin C Facial Moisturizer

Face cream with vitamin C has a remarkable effect on facial beauty: it stimulates cell regeneration, deeply restores and whitens the face, and has a tightening and moisturizing effect.

What benefits does such a remedy provide, and who should refrain from using it? Cosmetologists advise using ascorbic acid as an external remedy that fights wrinkles, darkening of the skin, inflammation and other defects. Manufacturers add it to masks, tonics, facial washes, emulsions – and, of course, to creams.

Rating of the best citrus creams from pharmacies, cosmetics and chain stores.

The benefits of vitamin C for facial skin

Using vitamin C on the face is one of the most effective and efficient means for whitening, restoring and strengthening the skin. How does vitamin C affect the human body? Here are just a few examples:

  1. strengthening the immune system, increasing protective functions;
  2. combating the effects of free radicals;
  3. stopping premature aging processes;
  4. acceleration of recovery and wound healing;
  5. generation of energy for the life of the body.

Ascorbic acid is very useful for humans, but it is not formed in the body. To get the 100 mg of vitamin necessary for life, a person needs to consume a lot of foods with vitamin C: lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, bell peppers, strawberries, rose hips.

The presence of vitamin C in face cream helps achieve the following effect:

  1. strengthening the skin's immunity;
  2. skin restoration and whitening;
  3. collagen production, restoration of firmness and elasticity;
  4. UV protection;
  5. neutralization of free radicals;
  6. protecting the skin from facial and age-related changes;
  7. improving the color and appearance of the face.

As you can see, ascorbic acid cream is an effective form of cosmetic that helps to cope with many facial problems.

How to choose the right cream?

When choosing a face cream with vitamin C, you need to take a closer look at the following important substances in the product:

  1. vitamins A, E;
  2. moisturizing components;
  3. plant concentrates;
  4. allatonin;
  5. retinol;
  6. peptides;
  7. hyaluronic acid;
  8. skin protection substances.

How to choose vitamin C cream:

Fragrances and preservatives must be exclusively natural and hypoallergenic so that the skin accepts the cosmetic product well.

Rules for applying the product

Maximum effectiveness of face cream with ascorbic acid can be achieved by following simple rules for applying the product:

  1. The skin must be thoroughly cleansed before applying the product. For cleansing, you can use gels, foams and gentle cleansing milk.
  2. The vitamin C content should be between 0.3% and 10%. Less content will not give the desired effect; more may cause burns and allergies.
  3. Do not apply more than 45 mg of cream with citrus acids per day.
  4. A drug with 10% of the active substance should be applied at night, and only in the winter season. This high acid content increases sensitivity to sunlight, which can cause severe pigmentation.
  5. The cream cannot be used once: to achieve a pronounced cosmetic effect, the drug must be used in a course.
  6. The application of the drug should be carried out along the massage lines of the face, with light patting movements. Do not smear the cream on your face!
  7. Avoid applying the product to the area around the eyes. If you want to give it elasticity and a healthy color, purchase a separate cream for the eye area with vitamin C.

Do not apply the cream too often if you are under 30 years old: strong exposure to antioxidants at a young age is not recommended.

Who should not use vitamin C cream?

Any cosmetics have their contraindications. Cosmetics containing ascorbic acid should not be used in the following conditions:

  1. Sensitivity, intolerance to components in the composition.
  2. Severe damage to the skin: scratches, wounds, burns.
  3. An abundance of inflammatory elements on the face.
  4. Frequent allergies to skin care and decorative cosmetics.

The use of such creams is acceptable during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, during this period, the concentration of active substances in the cream should be reduced so as not to cause allergies and a feeling of nausea from the strong odor.

Rating of the best creams from the pharmacy with ascorbic acid

Pharmacy products for facial skin are considered the most effective and efficient. This rating will show you the 5 best creams from the pharmacy that contain vitamin C.

An effective night cream from an Israeli manufacturer that has proven itself in products for problem skin. The composition contains ascorbic and fruit acids, as well as vitamin A.

The cream deeply nourishes the skin, brightens, cleanses from inflammatory elements and age spots. After using it, women note an improvement in complexion and the disappearance of hyperpigmentation, a reduction in pimples and acne.

The product has virtually no age restrictions: it is approved for use by women over 18 years of age.

Another Israeli remedy, this time with a pronounced antioxidant effect. Contains citric acid, magnesium, bix orellana seed extract. Suitable for any skin type.

The product deeply moisturizes, nourishes and restores the skin. It relieves redness, eliminates hyperpigmentation, protects against external influences, and also copes with minor age-related changes and rashes.

Due to its heavy texture, the cream is not recommended for use by girls with oily skin.

Anti-aging product used for normal and combination skin types. Contains ascorbic and hyaluronic acids, mannose, neurosensin and madecasside. Can be applied under decorative cosmetics.

The product improves complexion, removes redness, moisturizes, soothes and smoothes the skin. Thanks to its use, the synthesis of collagen fibers is stimulated, which increases the elasticity of the skin.

There are no age recommendations for the use of the product, but due to the anti-aging effect, you should not use it before 25-30 years of age.

Cream with vitamins C and E, enriched with the manufacturer’s proprietary thermal water. Contains glycerin and biocementin. Created for dry, sensitive and combination skin with early signs of aging.

The product fights free radicals and demonstrates pronounced antioxidant properties. It restores the natural barrier functions of the skin, returning softness, elasticity and a beautiful shade.

The product is not recommended for use by women under 30 years of age.

Hypoallergenic preparation for face whitening. Contains vitamin C, as well as anti-UVA-UVB filters that prevent pigmentation due to sun exposure. Does not contain flavorings, has a light structure.

The use of cream reduces the amount of melanin in the skin. This allows you to get rid of current hyperpigmentation, as well as avoid the appearance of new spots. The product is used in two- or three-week courses, 1 time per day after cleansing.

The product can be used from 20 years of age.

Vitamin C creams that you can find in a regular store

If you don’t want to buy ointment at the pharmacy, you can buy the cream at a cosmetic store or chain supermarket. The products presented in this rating are in no way inferior in effectiveness to their pharmacy counterparts.

A good cream with vitamin C from a famous Korean manufacturer. The product contains natural lemon extract and French mountain mineral water. The product is applied to the face as a night cream or mask.

The drug soothes irritated skin and lightens pigmented areas. After using the product, the skin becomes moisturized, soft, firmer and more elastic. The face acquires a healthy and beautiful color.

Despite the regenerative and rejuvenating properties, there are no restrictions on use.

An effective cream with vitamin C, cloudberry oil and dead sea minerals from the luxury category. The cream is suitable for normal, oily and combination skin. The product has a pleasant aroma, is quickly absorbed, and can be used as a base for cosmetics.

The product intensively nourishes and moisturizes the skin, cleanses it of toxins and protects against harmful external influences: wind, low and too high temperatures. The face acquires a healthy and fresh color and well-groomed appearance.

The cream is recommended for use from 25 years of age.

An anti-aging product from an Italian manufacturer, containing vitamin C and natural moisturizing ingredients. The cream has a soft, thick and dense texture, with a pleasant citrus aroma.

The cream demonstrates an improvement in the texture and complexion of the face, fights minor rashes and early wrinkles. After use, the skin becomes moisturized and nourished, healthier, denser, and elastic.

There are no restrictions on the use of the product.

Product with ascorbic acid, glycerin, shea butter and chamomile extract. It has a light texture and a delicate citrus aroma, and is quickly absorbed. Suitable for any skin type.

The cream increases cellular immunity, fights free radicals, and prevents harmful environmental influences. The use of the product strengthens vascular walls, accelerates metabolism and regeneration, and brightens the skin.

The product is used for early age-related changes.

Night cream with vitamin C, dead sea minerals, shea butter and wheat germ extract. The product has a dense texture, deeply restores and strengthens the skin, accelerates regeneration processes.

The use of the cream stimulates collagen synthesis, eliminates age spots and post-acne marks. Cellular renewal is accelerated, the appearance of wrinkles is prevented, and existing expression lines and pimples are removed.

The cream can be used from the age of 20-25 to owners of any skin type.

Face creams with vitamin C are an effective remedy for improving the appearance of the face. It helps with various facial defects: wrinkles, inflammation, hyperpigmentation and post-acne. Choose proven creams from good manufacturers so that the effect of ascorbic acid manifests itself properly.

Are you struggling with pigmentation? Do you want your skin to become tighter, firmer and more radiant? Then you need a cream with vitamin C. We will help you figure out how to choose and apply it.

  1. Indications for use
  2. What are the benefits of vitamin C for the skin?
  3. What skin type needs vitamin C cream?
  4. Restrictions on use
  5. Composition of creams with vitamin C
  6. Application rules
  7. Tools Overview

Indications for use

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is one of the most well-studied compounds. With a deficiency of vitamin C in skin cells, collagen production decreases. In addition, the normal content of ascorbic acid in skin cells guarantees them protection from free radicals.

You definitely need vitamin C cream if you:

want to reduce pigmentation;

struggling with dull skin color;

set out to reduce wrinkles;

dream of even and smooth skin.

“Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, its effectiveness is approximately 15 times higher than that of the “beauty vitamin” E,” says Alexey Mironenko, Kiehl’s brand expert in Russia. “This substance accelerates the process of natural cell renewal, making the skin healthier, smoother, and more uniform in color.”

Vitamin C helps increase the production of collagen, which provides skin elasticity.”

Cosmetologists claim that adding vitamin C-based products to your daily care will give visible results: the skin will glow, fine wrinkles will smooth out, and there will be a chance to cope with a mild degree of pigmentation. And most importantly, the effect will come quickly.

Cosmetics with vitamin C can improve your complexion.

What are the benefits of vitamin C for the skin?

Vitamin C is one of the key components in lightening creams for the face and body. It is not for nothing that this substance is so loved in Asia, where fair skin without signs of pigmentation is considered almost the main criterion of beauty.

Vitamin C reduces melanin production and the likelihood of pigmentation.

Helps increase collagen production, thereby accelerating the skin restoration process.

Vitamin C is isolated from plants or synthesized chemically. But preserving all the beneficial properties of this ingredient during processing is not so easy. It is added to different substances in different concentrations, therefore, it affects the skin differently.

Derived forms of ascorbic acid are less effective than pure vitamin C:

sodium ascorbyl phosphate;

magnesium ascorbyl phosphate;

They penetrate the skin perfectly and perform all their declared functions, provided that they are paired with ingredients that support their activity. In addition, they successfully fight pigmentation and participate in collagen synthesis.

Ascorbic acid is included in creams to prevent skin aging.

What skin type needs vitamin C cream?

“Skin type is not the main criterion when choosing a product with vitamin C. In cosmetics, this ingredient solves problems regardless of whether your skin is dry or oily,” comments Alexey Mironenko.

Those with dry skin are better off investing in creams that, in addition to vitamin C, contain hyaluronic acid and lipids. This way you will get good hydration, restoration of the lipid barrier and a radiant complexion.

In the case of oily skin, vitamin C will accelerate cellular renewal, improve complexion and skin texture. It will also help prevent troubles such as pimples and comedones.

For this skin type, vitamin C is a godsend. It keeps skin healthy by protecting it from free radicals. Bad ecology, stress, lack of sleep and other “delights” of life in a metropolis are perfectly mitigated by vitamin C cream.

Owners of this skin type should be careful when choosing a treatment with vitamin C. Without the label “for sensitive skin,” such products may cause redness on skin prone to irritation.

Still don't know which cream to choose for your face? Pay attention to products that contain vitamin C. Ascorbic acid quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis, achieving its goals. Literally after the first use, a positive result will be noticeable.

What tasks does vitamin C cream cope with?

Before purchasing a vitamin C cream, you need to know its functionality:

• Completely normalizes the metabolic process. The skin becomes more hydrated and smooth;

• Stimulates active production of collagen and elastin. In this regard, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the aging process slows down;

• Helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. This leads to the fact that rosacea and spider veins practically disappear;

• Heals wounds well, has anti-inflammatory functions. When acne or rash appears, this is the first remedy to use. In addition to its main properties, vitamin C cream has an antiseptic and drying effect;

• Restores the epidermis. Regeneration of cells and tissues starts;

• Copes well with age-related pigmentation, evens out skin color. In the case of freckles, the product will not help.

Creams containing vitamin C are recommended for use by girls over 25 years of age. The frequency of use should be recommended by a cosmetologist, having determined the skin type and the nature of the problem.

Rating of creams with vitamin C: choosing the best option

On store shelves you can find a huge assortment of creams that contain vitamin C. Below we will look at the most effective options:

1. Lumene. The manufacturer offers several series of products: night, day, sun protection. In addition to the main component (vitamin C), there is cloudberry oil and Dead Sea minerals. The cream is ideal for oily skin. Intensive hydration and nutrition occurs. In addition, the product perfectly protects the skin in windy weather and at low temperatures. Feedback from women is only positive. It is noted that the cream has a pleasant structure, aroma, is quickly absorbed, and does not leave a greasy residue;

2. Christina FluorOxygen+C AlphaC-Night Cream. This is a night cream. In addition to ascorbic acid, the composition includes fruit acids and retinol. The main function is nutrition, removal of age spots. Cosmetologists note its unique composition; they recommend using the product even for young girls over 18 years old. Many are scared by the price of the cream (about 3,200 rubles), but remember, free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. Experts assure that a good, natural cream cannot cost a penny. Women who used this product noted that the effect was noticeable almost immediately: hyperpigmentation disappears, the skin acquires an even, natural color;

3. "Venus". These products are produced in Italy. The quality is top notch. Designed for the care of young skin. Judging by the reviews, it is great as a makeup product. The structure is light, even airy. Thanks to this, the cream is perfectly absorbed into the skin and does not flow. Has a pleasant citrus scent;

4. Herbals. The cream is produced in India. The peculiarity is that it has a dense, viscous consistency, more like a scrub. Ideal for problematic, sensitive skin. It removes dark bags under the eyes well and hides fatigue. Many people note that after using it, the oval of the face is tightened;

5. "Libriderm". Perhaps one of the most advertised brands of creams. It contains a good vitamin complex. It is a good antioxidant for the skin. Reviews about the product are wonderful, women note the rejuvenating effect. It is worth noting that the cream is only suitable for dry and sensitive skin. But you shouldn’t use it for oily skin; after a while you will notice an unsightly shine, which will be difficult to get rid of;

6. Klapp. The cream has established itself as a good anti-aging product. Its main task is to speed up the process of collagen and elastin production. Suitable for women over 30 years old;

7. Holy Land Alpha-beta & retinol Restoring cream. This is a night cream based on vitamin C and retinol. These components promote skin regeneration, make the skin soft and complexion even.

It is important to be especially careful when choosing a face cream. Consider your skin type.
Try to purchase products with as natural a composition as possible.

Attention, contraindications

As a rule, all vitamin C-based face creams are hypoallergenic. But you still need to know about some contraindications that are important to consider:

• Vitamin C intolerance. In this case, you may get the opposite effect, your face will be swollen, itching and irritation will appear on the skin;

• Intolerance to other components contained in the cream. Before purchasing, carefully study the composition;

• Open wounds or unhealed burns.

Creams based on vitamin C cannot be used constantly; there must be a mandatory break (1-3 months). Otherwise, an excess of ascorbic acid will cause burning, itching, and redness of the skin. If these symptoms are noticed, the woman should immediately stop using the cream.

Cosmetologists warn that vitamin C is completely destroyed when exposed to sunlight. Therefore, after applying the cream to the skin, you need to wait until it is completely absorbed, and only then go outside in the hot season.

Vitamin C-based creams are very popular among women, and this is not surprising. Ascorbic acid has an almost immediate effect on the skin: moisturizes, nourishes, triggers collagen production, and promotes cell regeneration.