Ultra facial cream

Based on popularity ratings and user reviews, we selected the five most popular creams from the American brand, and then studied them with passion and pleasure.

  1. What's special about Kiehl's creams
  2. Composition of creams
  3. Kiehl's creams: top 5

What's special about Kiehl's creams

For 167 years, Kiehl’s, which has grown from a New York family pharmacy into a global brand, has managed to conquer more than one generation of beauty users. But they love him not for his past merits, but for his ability to constantly surprise with new discoveries and original formulas, which combine:

Composition of creams

For many years, Kiehl’s specialists have been searching for the best herbal ingredients and, based on them, developing cosmetic formulas according to the latest science.

Kiehl’s brand expert in Russia Alexey Mironenko:

We believe in the power of natural ingredients and strictly monitor the safety of our formulas. In production we use high-quality natural ingredients from different parts of the planet, and we combine advanced technologies with formulations of cosmetics created in the pharmacy.”

Kiehl's creams: top 5

The predecessor of the products in this range is a moisturizing fluid created in the 70s and still remains a bestseller. Like its ancestor, Ultra Facial Cream participated in an expedition to Everest, and was also tested in the harsh conditions of Greenland, proving in practice its ability to protect the skin in extremely low temperatures and strong winds.

Its advantages do not end there. The cream has a rich but light universal texture that suits any skin type, as well as:

moisturizes and prevents moisture evaporation in mode 24/7;

calms down skin and gives it a feeling of complete comfort in any conditions.

You will find valuable ingredients in its composition.

Squalane — the highest quality oil obtained from olives is similar to skin fats, so it easily integrates into the hydrolipidic barrier and strengthens it.

Antarcticin —extract of the enzyme of the bacterium pseudoalteromonas. Glycoprotein, which has more than one unique property, protects the skin from:

exposure to free radicals;

The secret of this component is the frost resistance of the molecules, which do not change their structure even in the most merciless climatic conditions.

Imperata cylindrical (desert plant extract) - Old World pharmacists have used this substance for hundreds of years to locally improve blood circulation.

Another member of the Ultra family, which is loved by those with oily and combination skin, as well as fans of light textures and oil-free formulas. Here are its features:

has a refreshing light texture;

gives a deep moisturizing effect;

reduces oily shine;

does not clog pores.

In addition to antarcticine and imperata, the composition contains:

synthetic glycerin, which retains moisture in the cells, gives the skin plasticity, softens;

vitamin E - one of the most powerful antioxidants that neutralizes free radicals while moisturizing the skin.

Moisturizing and nourishing effects are rarely combined in eye formulas. This is a cream with a very unusual water-oil texture and the ability to absorb quickly - an exception to the rule.

avocado oil from the American tropics, rich in fatty acids and vitamin A, restores moisture levels and the natural lipid barrier;

carotene — natural antioxidant with photoprotective properties;

shea butter nourishes the skin and prevents dehydration;

copper pyrrolidone carbonate retains moisture in the skin and participates in processes that help stabilize the collagen-elastin framework of the skin.

How to apply: warm up in your palms and spread with your fingertips over the orbital bone with light patting movements.

His responsibilities include combating all visible age-related changes. He does it like this:

increases elasticity and firmness;

tightens the skin and corrects facial contours;

In the product formula:

jasmonic acid stimulates cell renewal, evens out skin texture, gives elasticity, smoothes out fine wrinkles;

beech extract gives elasticity;

hyaluronic acid retains a large amount of water, due to which wrinkles are smoothed out.

Does not contain parabens or fragrances. Suitable for sensitive skin.

Thanks to the excellent texture of whipped cream, the aroma of honey and the ability to perfectly moisturize and soften the skin of the body, this cream has many fans.


Happy February Thursday, BeautyPatrols!


I continue to share my opinion about Kiehl’s brand products. Today it’s time for Kiehl’S Ultra Facial Cream.


Previously there were posts about:

I have a 7 ml jar of cream. On the official website there are 50 ml and 125 ml for sale for 2,390 rubles. and 4,590 rub. respectively.


Keels calls this cream the best-selling cream in the world, very ambitious! No less interesting is the story about the climbers... Good move, good



I have a normal skin type, but in winter it tends to be dry. Therefore, it seemed to me that this cream should be ideal for me.




But at the same time, it is absorbed quite quickly and does not create a particularly greasy film, but the cream is very noticeable on the face (even after a while).

There is no fragrance. This is a very solid plus for me.

My face in the morning after washing my face (without any products applied) looked like this:



I applied the cream:



So far there are no unpleasant sensations. Completed makeup:


Ultra Facial Cream works quite well with any foundation I have. In particular, in the photo above I applied Shiseido Sheer and Perfect foundation SPF 15 over it. And I can’t help but note that I really like the satin finish.

Now I’m sitting in the office, the temperature is about 24 degrees. The face shines like a pancake, matting wipes are used. With every passing hour, there is more and more desire to wash off makeup and Kils cream as well!

Under the same equal conditions, this did not happen after using the Apricot Radiance moisturizing gel-cream for the face


Collage for your convenience in assessing the result:


Have you tried this product? Did you like it?

0 out of 100% that I will buy again

quite nutritious
no fragrance

with my eyes closed I can’t tell the difference from L’Oreal creams (in glass jars)
4 hours after application there is a desire to wash it off


This is my favorite Kiehl's face cream among customers around the world and here are the main reasons:

1. The texture of the cream is rich, but at the same time light, so it is suitable for any skin type.
2. The cream prevents moisture loss and .

This is my favorite Kiehl's face cream among customers around the world and here are the main reasons:

1. The texture of the cream is rich, but at the same time light, so it is suitable for any skin type.
2. The cream prevents moisture loss and provides intense skin hydration throughout the day.
3. The cream is absolutely not afraid of the severe winter cold, so its owner will be reliably protected even at very low temperatures.
4. If the skin needs calm and balance, then the cream will come to the rescue and give comfort.

Apply the product in the morning or evening to previously cleansed facial skin.


Good moisturizing effect.

My skin type is combination, prone to oiliness in the t zone, especially in summer.
I bought the cream for a long flight of more than 5 hours, it turned out to be “heavy” for me, the feeling of a dense mass on my face did not leave the entire air journey.
But already at home it turned out to be excellent for night care, without overloading the skin it moisturizes and nourishes, the skin does not shine in the morning, before the start of summer I used it with self-tanning drops from Clarens.
It has no aroma, the consistency is average, the consumption is economical, a 50 ml jar lasts for more than two months when applied daily at night.
It seemed oily to me under makeup, but for dry skin, I think it will be very good for daytime.
In general, the opinion remains positive and there is a desire to try further products from the brand.

Good moisturizing, easy to apply, does not cause inflammation.

I have combination skin that tends to be oily most of the year.
I bought the cream after the consultant insisted that it was the best cream in the world. At that time, I almost burned my face by leaving a drugstore brand and was looking for a product that would make my face look divine (the skin was dry, subcutaneous tissue, acne marks - in general, the complete set).
I used the jar almost to the end, then returned to leaving another brand.
I liked the cream. Thick consistency, spreads well over the face, but there is no slipping effect (which I'm afraid of, because it might contain dangerous silicone).
In summer, the cream is good as an evening moisturizer, in winter it is suitable for morning moisturizing; I used it both morning and evening for most of the year. I can’t say that the cream doesn’t make the skin oily; but the oily sheen appeared on the face no earlier and no later than usual. Does not conflict with decorative cosmetics and does not cause acne.
At the end of using it, I got a little tired of the cream. He's good, but not great, and there's too much of him in the bank.
Maybe I'll repeat the purchase someday.

It moisturizes very well, is quickly absorbed, and does not leave a sticky residue.

Really heavy for a hot country, high price.

Skin type: Dry

I adore Kiehl's cosmetics, I've been using it for over a year now and I can say that this cream is my favorite and my salvation on winter evenings in St. Petersburg. The skin gets very dry from the dry indoor air and this cream is my must-have, it doesn’t let you down! The skin becomes nourished and cosmetics adhere better after application.

Skin type: Normal/prone to dryness

I've been wanting to try Kiehl's skincare products for a long time. I heard a lot of rave reviews, but the price stopped me. In addition, having studied the composition, I did not find any special components that could justify such a cost.

On my next trip to Germany, I came across the Kiehl’s brand store. To be honest, I couldn’t resist. Since my skin was a little dry at that moment due to acclimatization, the consultant recommended this cream to me. It cost 27€ at that time. Quite low budget, I tell you. What I really liked about Kiehl’s is that they always give out quite a lot of their samples. As a person with sensitive skin, I really appreciate this. Several times I bought rather inexpensive products, which subsequently caused allergies. This could have been avoided with probes.

The cream has a rather thick consistency. In the fall in Europe I used it both morning and evening. Really soothed the skin. The number of peelings decreased during this period. Absorbed quite quickly. Relieved the feeling of tightness after washing. I was pleased.

Returning to Israel, I realized that it was too heavy for warm weather. I only used it in the evening, but in December I included it in my morning routine. My skin took it well. It did not cause rashes or allergies.

I think this is a pretty good base cream, but there are cheaper alternatives.

Moisturizing, does not clog pores, does not provoke inflammation.

Skin type: Combined

Decent cream. Initial data: combination skin, prone to oiliness in winter. During the cold period, the skin suffers from temperature differences and dry air from heating, causing dehydration and flaking. This cream perfectly moisturizes the skin without causing excessive sebum production. And most importantly, it does not clog pores and does not cause breakouts. The texture is medium density cream, white in color. Without a pronounced odor. Easy to apply and spread. Quickly absorbed. After application for 2-3 minutes, a slight shine appears on the skin, then it is completely unnoticeable and imperceptible. After application, the skin becomes very pleasant to the touch, soft and delicate. I use the cream in the morning or evening. Excellent contact with other skin care products. Also suitable as a moisturizing base for makeup. The BB cream is applied in an even layer and does not float. Economical consumption. The packaging design is nice. Heavy plastic washer, white.
As a result, I am satisfied with the product, this cream copes well with its stated promises.

Moisturizes, does not clog pores, is quickly absorbed.

Skin type: Combined

You shouldn't expect anything more or anything supernatural from this cream.
This is just a good base cream, moisturizes well, and nothing more was stated.

Since I use “heavy artillery” in the form of tonics, essences, serums, I prefer creams that are as light as possible, which seal in everything that I applied earlier, provide hydration without clogging pores and do not cause inflammation. This cream is what you need.

The cream is available in two volumes - 50 ml. and 125 ml. in ordinary white jars, there are also seasonal limited editions in beautiful bright packaging.
The cream has a dense consistency, is not sticky, odorless, spreads easily, perfectly moisturizes, and most importantly, does not clog pores. I used it only in the morning, alternating it with other creams. In the summer it can be a little heavy, but the rest of the time it’s perfect for normal and combination skin.

If you don’t expect miracles from a cream, but are looking for a good basic cream, then I can recommend it.

Moisturizing effect, does not clog pores.

Price, controversial effect.

Skin type: Combined. Oily in the t-zone, acne-prone. Dry thin under eyes

I decided to purchase it as a moisturizer for the winter. The moisturizing effect is noticeable, but nothing extraordinary for the price. A very pleasant fact is that the cream does not clog pores and is suitable for both dry and oily skin: it is truly universal. Makeup applies well to the cream, does not roll off and does not cause baldness. In the morning I really want to wash my face, because there is a feeling of film on my face. I'll probably repeat it as a regular moisturizer without having high hopes.

Perfectly moisturizes dry skin, quickly and completely absorbed, economical consumption, odorless.

Skin type: Dry

Ideal cream for my dry skin. Normal basic moisturizing, no special effects. The only downside I can mention is the price; after all, magic didn’t happen, but this is the best moisturizing product I’ve tried.

Quickly absorbed, no odor, texture.

Feels like it on the face in the morning.

Oh, how I struggle with finding the perfect face cream. Combination skin, at some special moments it becomes prone to breakouts. There have been allergies to some creams, but I cannot classify the skin itself as an allergic type, because... isolated cases.
What irritates me the most about creams is that I can feel it on my skin after application. I read a bunch of reviews for the cream from Kiehl’s and in almost all of them I came across the phrase “can’t be felt on the skin.” It was decided to take it. Yes, more. More is the largest volume.
Packaging is my pain and joy. Joy - because it is beautiful and simple. It’s torment—well, you have to get into it with your fingers.
No smell (it's just wonderful), pleasant velvety texture, uniform white color.
It’s not that there’s a problem with me using it, but it didn’t live up to expectations. Once applied, it gets absorbed really quickly. Feeling of pleasantly nourished skin. But in the morning. I wake up again and feel like I scraped all the cream out of the jar and slept with it for 8 hours straight.
I didn’t treat peeling with it, I only use it to maintain skin tone. In principle, not bad, but there is nothing supernatural in it that would allow me to desire a bucket in reserve.

Well moisturizes, light, quickly absorbed!

This cream saved my skin during the autumn-winter period. When I came to the Kiehl’s boutique, I didn’t know where to start, but the sales assistant quickly helped me make a choice, and I purchased this miracle cream! My skin: combination, prone to inflammation (rare, but it happens). Fat creams are absolutely not suitable for me, they make my face look like an oily pancake(. So, this little friend replaced all the jars on my shelf. I used it morning and evening - my complexion evened out! In the jar the cream looks quite dense, white color, has no smell. And it is absorbed instantly, so you can immediately apply makeup. All the cracks and stars on the cheeks have disappeared. Does not leave a greasy film. Does not cause allergies. My skin was sufficiently moisturized with the help of "Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream". I used it with October 2015 to March 2016 and am very pleased. I still have half a jar left, I put it away until next fall. So it’s also economical! I recommend it to everyone))

A classic moisturizer that did not cause any allergies to my sensitive skin, is well absorbed and does not leave any unpleasant sensations. Particularly picky people will like the almost complete absence of odor. I have been returning to this cream for a long time, especially after further experiments with new products in the beauty industry.
The downside is that it does not provide any additional effect, which is a little strange for Kiehl’s - this is with their innovative approach to all products! Although, maybe that’s why I always come back to it - I clearly know what to expect from it at any time of the year.

Excellent moisturizing, economical consumption.

This is the fourth time I’ve bought this cream: the first three times I took a small amount, the fourth time I took a large amount, I loved it so much. I have combination skin, very prone to comedones. I use the cream at night and in the morning, it copes well with dryness (but it will not remove very severe flaking), does not clog pores and does not provoke acne, is not sticky, and is quickly absorbed into the skin, although the texture of the cream is not super-light. A little heavy for summer. There is no smell, which makes me incredibly happy.