
The important role of the vagus

The human body is filled with thin ligaments that are responsible for its normal functioning. One of these ligaments is the vagus, which controls heart rate and breathing. But how exactly does it work and what role does it play in our body? Read on to learn more about the important role of the vagus.

What is vagus

The vagus is a collection of nerves and structures in the brain that regulate heartbeat and breathing, as well as other body functions. This nerve originates in the medulla oblongata and ends in the chest and abdominal cavity. It serves as a conductor for reflex reactions such as coughing, icon reflex and sneezing. It is also responsible for inhibiting the activity of nerves that are associated with stress and anxiety. In addition, the vagus regulates blood flow and body temperature, and also affects breathing.

Circulatory system. The vagus also regulates a person's breathing by ensuring normal blood flow to the lungs and other organs related to breathing. In addition, vagos controls the functioning of the heart and kidneys, transmitting signals to the corresponding parts of the brain. For example, an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood leads to an increase in heart rate, while a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide reduces the heart rate. Thus we see that