Vagina of the Eyeball [Vagina Bulbi, Pna; Fascia Bulbi (Tenoni), Bna; Capsula Bulbi, Jna]

The vaginal canal is an unpaired, paired organ that connects a woman’s vagina and urethra (urethra) and extends directly from the bladder into the urogenital opening during pregnancy. A man's sperm leaves the uterus through the vagina. The vaginal tube is long, up to 7-12 cm, forms 9 transverse bends. The external pharynx with a diameter of 3-4 cm is located on the posterior surface of the vestibule, the internal pharynx is on the anterior wall of the uterus near its apex. The length of the channel is 20-25 times greater than its diameter.

The vagina of the eyeball is a condition in which abnormalities occur in the structure and function of the internal organs of the head, which can lead to various diseases and disorders. This condition can affect women and men and can occur as a birth defect or result from surgery.

Vaginal globe (VGB) can be associated with various diseases such as splenic rupture, progressive hepatitis, Sarcoidosis syndrome, malignant liver tumors, pancreatic masses, head and neck injuries. However, it is important to note that the presence of VGB is not always a consequence of disease. VGB can also occur due to underlying pathological processes that doctors may not be aware of.

Analysis of VGB symptoms allows you to determine the cause of the disease, its prevalence and possible complications. At the first symptom, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help in order to receive the necessary treatment and avoid possible complications.