Vaginal Tampons for Urinary Incontinence

*Vaginal tampons for urinary incontinence are special products that are used to prevent urine leakage due to problems with the functioning of the urinary organs.*

**Purpose and application**. In some cases, it becomes necessary to use tampons to protect against severe leaks at the most inopportune moment. The use of tampons is most important for women who suffer from urinary incontinence of varying severity, and also after operations in the bladder, urethra, etc. The use of such products as a preventive measure after childbirth is also common.

Before using a tampon to treat urinary incontinence, you should:

Tampons are small pieces of cloth that are used to replace a pad that is inserted into the vagina to protect underwear from discharge. But in addition, tampons can be used to control urinary incontinence. This is a problem associated with weakness of the bladder muscles and incomplete closure of the sphincter in the lower part of the urinary system. This can cause urine to leak during times of intense emotional or physical stress, exercise, cycling or even walking.

One solution to control incontinence is the use of vaginal tampons for urinary incontinence. These tampons are made from special materials and have special balls that slow the flow of urine and provide protection to your underwear and surrounding clothing. They can also be made with aloe vera to hydrate and soothe the skin.

Tampons are intended for use by women with incontinence problems who need to maintain hygiene between periods and after childbirth. They help cope with problems such as fluid loss during exercise, walking or running, and also relieve the discomfort of constantly wet pads. They also protect clothes from stains and urine contamination. Tampons make life easier for women with this problem and allow them to feel more confident.

This problem is not always easy to solve,