
The Vaginograph is the world's first automatic electronic device for performing cultural tests for vaginal microflora. The results of the study make it possible to accurately identify the causative agent of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment, which eliminates the possibility of relapse. The process takes place quite quickly, while contact with vaginal dirt and pathogens is completely eliminated. In addition, thanks to the use of sterile disposable nozzles and solutions, the possibility of transmitting infection to partners is eliminated. Before each client, the nozzle is properly processed and then disposed of using high-temperature autoclave sterilization. Thanks to the research carried out and identification of the nature of the bacteria, the patient’s immune reaction and the area of ​​the drug that will be most effective in combating bacteria are accurately determined, without giving an addictive effect. This allows you to get rid of pathogenic microflora naturally and avoid traditional chemistry prescribed by doctors. Trusting your doctor and performing the culture test he recommended could lead to dire consequences in your life. The consequences of vaginography can be very serious.