Vacuum Stimulator

Hello! Today we will talk about a vacuum stimulator - a device that helps stimulate labor. Let me make a reservation right away that the decision to use a vacuum-stimulation system must be agreed upon with an obstetrician-gynecologist. After all, there are contraindications due to which the use of this device can harm both the woman and the child. For example, any pathology of the fetal egg, when a discrepancy between the head and the entrance to the mother’s pelvis is established. Also, this procedure should not be performed during multiple pregnancies. If there are indications, make a choice in favor of this procedure with confidence. When carrying out labor stimulation, the technical capabilities of obstetric institutions and their equipment should be compared with the state of health of the pregnant woman (it is unacceptable to use only negative methods of influence after IVF). General contraindications to the use of mechanical methods of induction of labor are similar to those after the spontaneous onset of labor. In addition, the use of mechanical means of induction of labor is contraindicated in the following cases: gestosis with symptoms of preeclampsia; hypertension degree III and higher; narrowing of the pelvis by more than 1 cm; a narrow pelvis with oblique and transverse dimensions corresponding to the head of the first degree, and with the head dimensions of the second degree, the small pelvis as a whole is considered narrow; polyhydramnios with impaired fetal blood flow; weakness of labor or premature rupture of amniotic fluid after a period of more than 41 weeks. Statistics on the incidence of bleeding and suture dehiscence due to operations with a vacuum catheter are limited, but there are many reports of the need to repeat them after a positive clinical effect from one session. The risk of such injury increases the first time they are used. Data shows that the procedure is safe for normal labor after 39 weeks of pregnancy

A vacuum stimulator is a device for inducing labor that is used in medical institutions. This device is a cap with a rubber tube and creates negative pressure on the fetal head, which stimulates the uterus and speeds up labor.

Vacuum stimulators allow women to get relief during labor and make the birth process easier, even during long or difficult labor. The main advantage of this device is its safety for mother and child, as well as the speed of the stimulation process. The use of vacuum stimulators has become popular due to their high efficiency and safety. They can be easily applied in a variety of situations, including when labor is delayed or assisted methods are needed. In addition, they help minimize pain during childbirth. However, it must be remembered that the use of a vacuum stimulator is a medical intervention, therefore, before using this device, you must consult a doctor and assess the risks and possible consequences. Also, some women may experience discomfort or pain while using a vacuum styler. In this case, your doctor may recommend alternative stimulation methods to reduce sensitivity.