Valvulopexy Aortic

Valvulopesia is an operation on the heart valves, which can improve their function and reduce the risk of complications. It is performed for heart defects such as aortic valve stenosis, mitral insufficiency and others. Aortic valvulopesia can be performed either openly (using an incision in the sternum and replacing the valve with a special prosthesis) or minimally invasively (through a puncture in the skin).

Aortic valve valvuloplasty is a surgical operation aimed at removing the valve leaflets, aimed at restoring the functionality of the damaged organ. Occurs under the pressure of deforming factors on the sash. The disease can lead to the development of heart failure, stroke, irreversible changes in the cardiac blood flow, and sudden death as a result of progressive disease or surgery. Since the disease most often occurs at an early age, some surgeons perform coronary artery bypass grafting with valves to treat adult patients and newborns. Radical intervention is used, i.e. complete plastic or replacement. The main goal of therapy is to ensure normal blood supply and organ functioning through coronary artery bypass grafting using temporary and permanent heart valve implants.