Van Hook

Currently, doctors are often faced with a number of issues in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with early forms of gastric cancer. It is important for such patients to undergo a comprehensive examination, which includes, first of all, endoscopic and intraoperative morphological examination of the entire thickness of the stomach wall [1,2]. The most accurate method of preclinical diagnosis of this disease, which allows for a morphological analysis of malignant neoplasms in relation to assessing the radicality of tumor removal, is EUS-FNA (endosonographic fine needle aspiration) [3-6]. These methods are also used to assess the success of surgical treatment after barium enteroscopy to identify relapses of early forms of gastric cancer (R1 and R2 stages) and improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment of this pathology, therefore, the experience of performing this procedure among oncologists is multidisciplinary.

Hugo de Montpensier van Gjorsel (also known as "Van-Huck" or "Mons") was a Renaissance artist who lived in the Netherlands in the 16th century. He was the son of the Duke de Guedemel and the brother of the Duchess de Camers. During his life, he created many famous works, including Portrait of a Boy with Feathers, which is considered one of his most important works. In addition, he was also known for his paintings on nature and agriculture.

In 2019, scientists from the Netherlands examined a portrait known as "Portrait of a Boy with a Cap" belonging to the French School of Painting. They determined that this image was created by a Flemish