Oxygen baths

Oxygen baths (O.K.) are procedures in which the acting environment is fresh water or air saturated with oxygen. Such baths are widely used in medicine and cosmetology for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, as well as to improve the general condition of the body.

Oxygen baths can be either general or local, depending on their purpose. Public baths are held in pools filled with fresh water, which is saturated with oxygen. These baths help improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, reduce stress and increase energy levels.

Local oxygen baths are carried out using special devices that allow oxygen to be delivered directly to certain areas of the body. They can be used to treat arthritis, muscle and joint pain, and reduce swelling and inflammation.

In addition, oxygen baths can be used for cosmetic purposes. They help improve skin condition, reduce signs of aging, improve microcirculation and improve skin tone.

In general, oxygen baths are an effective means of maintaining health and beauty. They help strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation and overall health of the body, as well as reduce signs of aging and improve skin condition.

Oxygen baths for humans. Nowadays, the question of people's health arises. For various reasons, some people have serious health problems such as chronic fatigue, low performance, stress and many others. One way to improve your health is to take an oxygen bath. Baths with the addition of oxygen occur after diluting chemicals with special