Pearl baths

3 advantages of pearl baths:

1. Under the influence of a pearl bath, the human body relaxes and is freed from stress. If a person’s life is dominated by a heavy work schedule, tense relationships with colleagues, stressful situations, then using bubble baths, as a rule, will be the only good way to relieve stress and

Pearl baths are one of the popular ways of relaxation for the whole body. The effect of bubble baths on the body is due to the combination of heat, cold and the action of the gas-air mixture that is formed when the bath is filled. Pearl baths have a positive effect on the nervous system, heart function, digestion, immune system, and help reduce excess weight. The therapeutic effect of air baths increases appetite, improves sleep, and reduces stress and anxiety. Therefore, exercises in a pearl bath can be used as an addition to the main treatment of the disease in case of physical and mental fatigue.

Benefits of bubble baths Pearl baths are an excellent alternative to conventional baths due to the following advantages: * Time saving: the procedure time is halved; * The depth and diameter of the gas-air flow bubbles are adjusted according to individual parameters; * Restoration of blood circulation of organs and systems: blood circulation and oxygen saturation improves; * Strengthening blood vessels and maintaining their elasticity Normalizing the lipid profile and condition of the skin and hair; Relieving hypertonicity and muscle tension;