
Hello. Today I want to talk about such a thing as vaporizers. How often have you encountered this thing? Me not. But now everything has changed. What is this anyway? This is a device (it could even be a device or another thing) that makes, as you can guess from the name, anything in fresh milk (or aerosols and the like). What are they doing? Literally everything! But that's not what I want to talk about. Yes, of course, they boil, fry, smoke (if you like). They can create foggy clouds to infect it with the simplest staphylococcus. But I think that people, on the contrary, want to do this, and not get infected with anything. If you suddenly overdo it with your coffee vaporizer (literally and figuratively), then try chewing gum. It will quickly cool the mucous membrane and remove the unpleasant aftertaste (this is the case if our decoction is coffee). I hope your first need has already been satisfied and you have discovered another useful gadget for your everyday life. I think you will be interested in their variety once you study this topic a little.