Vasilyeva Method of Expanding the Mouth Gap

The Vasiliev method of widening the mouth is a method developed by Soviet dentist Grigory Aleksandrovich Vasiliev in the 1930s. This method is used to widen the upper and lower jaws, as well as to correct the shape of teeth and gums.

Vasiliev was one of the first to study the effect of food on dental and oral health. He believed that poor diet and insufficient chewing resulted in various oral health problems, including tooth decay, periodontal disease, and other diseases.

In his work, Vasiliev used the method of expanding the oral fissure, which consists of expanding the upper and lower jaws using special instruments. This allows you to increase the volume of the chewing surface and improve blood circulation in the gums.

In addition, Vasiliev also developed special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the face and neck, which help maintain oral health and avoid problems with teeth and gums.

Today, Vasilyev’s method of widening the mouth gap is widely used in dentistry to treat various diseases of the oral cavity and to improve the appearance of teeth. However, before you start using this method, you must consult a dentist and make sure there are no contraindications.

There is probably no woman who would not dream of prolonging her youth. But what to do if time has run out, and if one day you wake up and realize that your smile is no longer the same, and perhaps even the smile has given way to a grimace... Then, without hesitation, we go to the dentist. After all, everyone knows that a good smile is the key to success in many areas of life! In any relationship, a smile plays an important role, because a smile makes you feel good and inspires trust and sympathy. Both men and women need a good natural smile to look attractive. Especially in our progressive age, when between you and your interlocutor there may be a person, even several people, looking at your photo on social networks and evaluating you as a potential employer or candidate for a date. The perception of the assessment can be either “I’m afraid to go to you” or, on the contrary, positive - “if you worked for us/me, you would certainly cope with the task.”

Thus, becoming attractive in appearance helps not only to choose the most suitable image or clothing for your style and type, but also to try to make your face wider and your smile as open as possible. Today there are many techniques, both cosmetic and physiotherapeutic, that allow you to achieve the desired goals. I am especially interested in techniques that can be applied at home and that do not require additional financial or physical preparation. After all, every person dreams of becoming beautiful; it was he who once made such an important decision for himself. In this article, I want to share with you today the method of A.A. Vasilyeva (1955-1876), which will help anyone who is ready to make an effort to correct their smile. Anastasia Aleksandrovna Vasilyeva, a great Russian dental scientist, has developed a number of techniques to restore a natural, beautiful grin and harmony in the face. Her technique will not give an immediate effect, but will give a stable result. If you are determined to do everything correctly, then after a short period of time you will experience: the visible effect of your new