Vegetarianism and Reiki

Vegetarianism and Reiki

People who heal other people or animals with Reiki are motivated by compassion for creatures. To be fully compassionate, one must be kind to all living beings, not just a select few. This also applies to those creatures that serve us as food, in particular cows, birds, fish and insects. Using violence against people and killing animals at the same time is Satan's philosophy.

Vegetarianism is an important step towards a perfect society. Many spiritually developed personalities were vegetarians, including Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci, Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi and others.

According to Manu, even the killer of an animal should be considered a murderer. Killing animals for food is a serious crime that will result in severe punishment. Vegetarian food fully provides a person with everything necessary for health and strength.

Meat eating is the cause of many diseases, including cardiovascular and cancer, and also worsens mental health. Vegetarians are significantly less susceptible to disease and enjoy good health.

Killing animals in slaughterhouses is barbaric and unworthy of a civilized person. We have no right to take the lives of other beings to satisfy taste preferences.

Vegetarianism is important, but not an end in itself. The main thing is spiritual development in order to return to God. By offering vegetarian food to God, we are freed from responsibility for the violence associated with its preparation.