Vein Intercostal Most Superior

The uppermost intercostal vein (lat. vena intercostalis suprema) is one of the paired veins that runs in the intercostal spaces and flows into the superior vena cava. It is a branch of the internal mammary vein and participates in the formation of the venous system of the chest. This vein is of great importance for the body, as it is involved in draining blood from the upper chest and abdominal cavity.

The intercostal vein is the uppermost: Features and functions

The uppermost intercostal vein (v. intercostalis suprema) is an important structure located in the intercostal spaces of the human body. It is one of many veins that make their way through the intercostal spaces, collecting blood from organs and tissues.

The superior intercostal vein has several alternative names, including pna, bna and jna, due to its anatomical location