Veins of Sappey

Sappey veins are varicose veins of the legs, which are manifested by painful sensations in the calf muscles, swelling and heaviness. This disease is characterized by poor circulation in the legs due to dilation and stretching of the veins. This leads to disruption of the nutrition of leg tissues and a decrease in their functions, which can lead to various complications.

The main causes of Sappey's veins include: genetic predisposition, age, gender (more common in women), excess weight, pregnancy, hormonal changes, heredity, working in a sedentary position on the legs, lifting heavy objects, diabetes, smoking, heart and vascular disease.

Symptoms The main symptoms of Sappei veins are: pain in the calves, heaviness, fatigue of the legs, cramps in the legs, swelling of the legs, the presence of venous networks on the legs. It may manifest itself as tortuosity of the veins, a feeling of heaviness and fatigue. Veins can dilate from both the top and bottom, causing a variety of symptoms. Veins can also be heavy, congested and tortuous, which is especially noticeable behind the knees. If the veins are at the top, they may extend to a thin, shiny band at or above the ankle. When the veins are at the bottom, they manifest themselves by expansion, increased temperature, and thinning of the skin. Even though Sappel's veins are a common problem, there are many misconceptions and myths about how to deal with it. People often feel that they need the help of a surgeon to resolve this issue. But in fact, surgery may not be performed at the first signs of the disease. In addition, it must be borne in mind that if treatment is not prescribed on time, the patient's condition may worsen.