Vein Buccal

The buccal vein is two deep veins that run from the base of the cheek to the jaw angle in the lower jaw. They are connected to each other by transverse sciatic veins and form a venous network under the cheek.

The buccal vein is of great importance for the health of the oral cavity and face in general. It collects blood from the upper jaw, lower jaw and gums, and then transfers it back to the general venous blood flow system. The buccal vein plays an important role in nourishing the tissues of the oral cavity, preventing the occurrence of edema and providing optimal conditions for preserving the microflora of the oral cavity.

However, in some cases, problems with this area can lead to various diseases. For example, when the veins in the buccal cavity become enlarged, swelling may occur, which can lead to pain and discomfort under the jaw. In addition, since the buccal vein belongs to the superficial blood flow system, its blockage can lead to increased