Linguistic vein

Vienna Lingual: Description and Functions

The Lingual Vein (v. lingualis) is one of the main veins responsible for the outflow of blood from the tongue. It is located in the hypoglossal region, where it passes between the glossopharyngeal nerve and the hypoglossal nerve. The lingual vein has several tributaries, which include the veins of the sublingual gland and the lingual veins.

Functions of the Lingual Vein

The lingual vein plays an important role in ensuring normal blood circulation in the tongue. It is responsible for draining blood from the tongue into the general circulatory system. If the functioning of this vein is disrupted, swelling of the tongue and impaired sensitivity may occur.

Additionally, the Vein Lingalis is one of the veins that can be used in medical procedures. For example, it can be used in dental anesthesia or in the treatment of head and neck cancer.


The lingual vein is an important element of blood circulation in the tongue and plays an important role in ensuring its normal functioning. Understanding its structure and function is important for medical professionals so that they can correctly diagnose and treat possible tongue disorders.