
Venotomoendography is used when examining women during pregnancy to assess blood flow in the veins of the lower extremities. However, the main indication for this examination method is venous diseases (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, etc.). In some cases, venotomography is also performed after operations or injuries to the veins. Using this non-invasive examination method, the doctor evaluates the venous capacity and blood supply of the foot. In addition, based on the result of this procedure, it is possible to diagnose the incompetence of the valves of the veins of the foot and prevent the occurrence of thrombophlebitis in the patient.

This is a method of studying the circulatory system based on measuring blood pressure in the largest human veins - the great veins and the central venous duct. Most often, examinations are carried out to determine diseases in a person: * edema - a prolonged stay of liquid plasma in the cells of the body, which can be caused by impaired kidney function, poor vascular blood flow, or certain medications. * frequent cramps in the muscles of the calves; * visual increase in the circumference of the legs in the area of ​​the legs and feet (“heavy” legs); * fatigue and soreness of the leg muscles when walking;