Vermel-Markelov Symptom

Vermel-Markelov symptom: Understanding and clinical significance

In medicine, there are many symptoms that help doctors diagnose various diseases. One of these symptoms, known as the Vermel-Markelov symptom, was named after two prominent Soviet medical specialists - Sergei Vermel and Ivan Markelov.

Sergei Borisovich Vermel (1868-1926) was a Soviet physiotherapist known for his research in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with neuromuscular diseases. He was actively involved in the development and application of physical treatments, especially electrotherapy and hydrotherapy. Vermeule is also known for his contributions to the development of physical medicine and rehabilitation.

Georgy Ivanovich Markelov (1880-1952), in turn, was a Soviet neurologist and neurosurgeon. He made significant contributions to the study and treatment of nervous diseases, including neuritis, radiculitis and neuroses. Markelov developed a number of methods for diagnosing and treating nervous disorders and actively promoted an integrated approach to the rehabilitation of patients.

The Vermeule-Markelov sign, named after these two scientists, is a neurological symptom that can be observed in patients with nerve lesions. It manifests itself in the form of a pain reaction or changes in sensitivity when exposed to certain points on the skin.

The main mechanism for the occurrence of the Vermeule-Markelov symptom is a change in nerve conduction in the affected area. This can be caused by various reasons, such as compression or damage to the nerves, inflammation, or degenerative processes in the nervous system. The Vermel-Markelov symptom can be observed in patients with various neurological diseases, including radiculopathies, neuritis, neuroses, etc.

To diagnose the Vermeule-Markelov symptom, the doctor performs special tests by pressing on certain points on the patient’s skin and assessing his reaction. A positive symptom is expressed as pain, tingling, numbness or other discomfort in the affected area. This may indicate a disturbance in nerve conduction and indicate the presence of a nerve lesion.

The clinical significance of the Vermeule-Markelov symptom lies in its use for the diagnosis and assessment of various neurological diseases. A positive symptom can help the doctor make a preliminary diagnosis and determine the need for additional examinations, such as electromyography or neuroimaging.

The Vermeule-Markelov symptom can also be useful in monitoring the effectiveness of treatment. Improvement or disappearance of a symptom may indicate positive dynamics and restoration of nerve conduction.

However, it should be noted that the Vermeule-Markelov symptom is just one of many tools used in neurology. For accurate diagnosis and treatment, it is necessary to take into account other clinical manifestations, the results of additional studies and the overall picture of the disease.

In conclusion, the Vermeule-Markelov sign is a neurological symptom that can be observed in patients with nerve lesions. It is based on changes in nerve conduction and manifests itself in the form of a pain reaction or changes in sensitivity when exposed to certain points on the skin. Diagnosis and use of this symptom can help doctors determine the diagnosis and monitor the effectiveness of treatment. However, it must be considered in the context of other clinical data and the results of additional studies to achieve an accurate diagnosis and optimal treatment.

Article "Vermel-Markov symptom" Vermel-Markov symptom - (S.B. Vermel, 1878–194), Soviet scientist. Tit Kostrikin, radiologist, assistant at the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics at the Voronezh Medical Institute, Associate Professor at the Department of Faculty Therapy at the same institute. One of the most commonly cited causes of foot pain is the destruction of the plantar aponeurosis. A similar condition is observed when the aponeurosis muscle and its body are damaged, as well as with muscle atrophy. Swimming is one of the most effective methods of spinal rehabilitation.