Vernay Method

Verney's method (a. a. s. Verneuil) is a method of surgical treatment of stomach cancer, developed by the French surgeon A. A. Verneuil. The method was proposed in 1875 and became one of the first effective methods for treating stomach cancer.

The more accurate method is based on removing part of the stomach at the site of the tumor, followed by reconstruction of the remaining part of the stomach. This allows you to maintain normal stomach function and avoid complications associated with digestive disorders.

Nowadays, the Verney method is rarely used due to the advent of more effective treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. However, in some cases the method can be effective and safe, especially for small tumors in the early stages of the disease.

Thus, the Verney method is an important treatment method for gastric cancer, which has its advantages and disadvantages. It can be used in combination with other treatments and helps maintain normal body function.