
The perception of the movement of your body in space is especially dependent on the state of the ocular muscle tissue and the impulses that it sends to the vestibular apparatus of the brain. The vestibular system is responsible for balance and coordinates movements related to musculoskeletal function and body position. Unsteadiness and dizziness are symptoms of dysfunction of this part of the body. Alcohol abuse, taking certain medications, hypertension, endocrine system disorders and even upper respiratory tract infections cause this system to malfunction.

Vestibulopathy is a disorder of cerebral and spinal circulation with impaired liquor dynamics. These include circulatory disorders in the labyrinth and its membranes, for example, with decompensation of stasis and embolism of cerebral vessels. This also includes various disorders of liquorodynamics


Vestibulopathy is a medical term that refers to a disorder of the vestibular apparatus in the human body. The vestibular apparatus is a complex organ that controls balance, muscle tone and orientation in space. In the case of vestibulopathy, the imbalance becomes more severe, which can lead to a number of other problems such as nausea, dizziness and loss of coordination.

The causes of vestibulopathy can be various diseases and disorders of the nervous system. For example, it may be associated with head injuries, cerebrovascular accidents, brain tumors and infections, and neurological diseases such as migraines and tinnitus.
