
Vesicoprostatotomy is a surgical operation during which a dissection of the bladder neck and prostate gland is performed to remove obstructions to the outflow of urine from the bladder. This operation is performed for benign prostatic hyperplasia, when an enlarged prostate leads to impaired urine flow.

During a vesicoprostatotomy, the surgeon makes an incision in the lower abdomen and opens the bladder. Then a dissection is made of the bladder neck and the central part of the prostate gland to expand the lumen of the urethra and remove the obstruction to the outflow of urine. After the incision, sutures are placed and a catheter is installed to drain urine in the postoperative period.

The recovery period after vesicoprostatotomy usually takes 2 to 3 weeks. After the operation, pain and discomfort when urinating persist for some time. In general, this operation can effectively restore normal urination in cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Vesicoprostatoma or epicystoprostatat?

**Vesicoprostavalia,** or **Epicia** is a pathological process localized in the bladder cavity and prostate gland, usually the result of a combination of inflammatory processes and circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs. It is a complication of inflammatory processes in the urinary organs in men and represents an obstacle to urination, often accompanied by pain during urination, hemorrhages (blood in the urine), pain in the suprapubic region and pelvic lower abdomen. The destruction of the vesicles can lead to the rupture of the contents of organs outside the urethra. Vesiculitis is a disease of inflammation of the epididymis (in common parlance – “vesicle”). Prostatitis is a medical diagnosis that describes inflammation of the prostate gland: bacterial, abacterial. The main manifestations of prostatitis: increased frequency of urination, painful urination, urinary retention, impaired sexual function. The combination of symptoms of the inflammatory process in the kidney and bladder leads to a disease called “Epicystitis” that is very severe. Clinical manifestations of epicystitis include: • Pain in the lower back and abdomen (usually in the epigastric region); • Frequent, painful urination; • Nocturnal urge to urinate and urinary incontinence; • Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder after urine output of more than 50 ml; • Pain on palpation; • Unpleasant sensations after sex; - Deterioration of the general condition of the patient. Associated symptoms of “Epicystitis” are: increased temperature in men; chills; increased sweating; weakness of the body, loss of appetite, nausea, dyspepsia, lack of appetite.