Vichy for young skin

Over its almost 90-year history, this French pharmacy brand has developed and released more than one line of products for skin of different types and ages. We’ll help you figure out which creams are right for you and why.

  1. Features of Vichy creams
  2. Vichy creams for different ages
  3. Idealia
  4. LiftActiv
  5. Neovadiol
  6. Aqualia Thermal
  7. Slow Age
  8. Purete Thermal
  9. Normaderm
  10. LiftActiv Teint
  11. Teint Ideal
  12. Nutrilogy
  13. Capital Ideal Soleil
  14. How to choose the right cream

Features of Vichy creams

Perhaps the most favorite product in daily skin care is face cream. Pleasant texture, delicate aroma, outstanding performance qualities - all these qualities must combine in one bottle.

Vichy creams can be trusted in this sense, and here's why.

The formulas undergo strict control in all respects, so they are safe even for sensitive skin.

Many components and products in general are tested first in the laboratory (in vitro) and then in a clinical setting (in vivo).

The resulting products are compared with the standard formula to ensure compliance with the company’s requirements for appearance, color and aroma.

The quality of the texture is checked using a microscope, and the stability of the formula is checked in a special centrifuge.

Brand safety rules also include packaging control and functional control.

Yes, the measures are strict, but the creams are considered one hundred percent safe, and the risk of allergies is minimal.

Specialists from the brand’s laboratories pay great attention to consistency: adapting it to the various needs of the skin and making it pleasant for the consumer.

Vichy thermal water is rich in minerals and trace elements. © Vichy, Louis Tauzin

Vichy creams for different ages

The brand's assortment includes products for young and mature skin, as well as for women during menopause. Of course, there is also a division by skin type. Plus foundation and sunscreen products.

Total lines eleven, and below we will briefly describe the features of the composition and action of each of them.

Vichy products have a common component - thermal water from underground springs of volcanic origin, which are located in the French city of Vichy. This water is rich in minerals and shares them with the skin, strengthening and healing it.


For what skin: faded due to fatigue and lack of sleep.

What problems does it solve?: dullness, uneven tone and relief.

Active Ingredients:

kombucha — fermented black tea extract, evens out tone and has a mild anti-aging effect;

LR 2412 regenerates and protects the skin well, stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid, reduces wrinkles, improves complexion;

alpha hydroxy acid - fruit acid, which helps destroy intercellular connections and exfoliate dead cells of the stratum corneum.


For what skin: after 30 years, when metabolism and the rate of cell renewal slow down.

What problems does it solve?: Reduces wrinkles and improves skin elasticity.

Active Ingredients:

rhamnose - vegetable sugar, activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, accelerates the renewal of the epidermis, strengthens the structure of the skin;

adenosine stimulates energy exchange and fights wrinkles;

caffeine tones, enhances microcirculation, refreshes complexion;

neohesperidin - red grapefruit peel extract, is an antioxidant and supports elasticity.


For what skin: going through menopause.

What problems does it solve: makes the skin elastic, wrinkles less noticeable, and facial contours clear. Reduces signs of menopausal aging.

Active Ingredients:

proxylan stimulates collagen production;

Hepes exfoliates and renews the skin;

Hydrovance — a biotechnological complex that accelerates skin regeneration and has a moisturizing effect;

hyaluronic acid intensively moisturizes.

Aqualia Thermal

For what skin: young, dehydrated, sensitive.

What problems does it solve?: smoothes out fine wrinkles, adds radiance and elasticity.

Active Ingredients:

l-carrageenan - a natural disaccharide, activates the enzyme transglutaminase, which distributes moisture in the cells;

hyaluronic acid moisturizes;

Aquabioryl protects against dehydration by creating a protective breathable film on the surface of the skin, which also fills minor damage to the epidermis.

Slow Age

For what skin:

in need of recovery after cosmetic procedures;

with the first signs of age - visible and not.

What problems does it solve?: corrects signs of aging at different stages of formation.

Active Ingredients:

baikalin — Scutellaria baicalensis root extract, antioxidant, neutralizes oxidation processes in the skin;

probiotic Bifidus reduces sensitivity and strengthens the skin's protective barrier, increasing its resistance to external factors.

Purete Thermal

For what skin: sensitive.

What problems does it solve?: cares for reactive skin prone to redness and irritation.

Active Ingredients:

glycerol softens and moisturizes the skin;

vitamin E provides protection against oxidation, participates in cellular metabolism;

l-carrageenan, Extracted from red seaweed, it helps distribute moisture in the skin.


For what skin: oily and combination, prone to imperfections, problematic.

What problems does it solve?: moisturizes, evens out tone, mattifies the skin, reduces inflammation.

Active Ingredients:

salicylic acid has an exfoliating and antibacterial effect, prevents clogging of pores and the appearance of comedones;

lipohydroxy acid exfoliates without the risk of irritation, stimulates cellular renewal, helps active ingredients penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

LiftActive Teint

For what skin: for all types.

What problems does it solve?: evens out skin tone, slightly smoothes it.

Active Ingredients:

carnauba wax fills wrinkles;

Vichy thermal water restores pH balance, saturates the skin with minerals.

Teint >

For what skin: normal and combined.

What problems does it solve?: gives the skin a beautiful even tone, ensures makeup lasts for about 14 hours.

Active Ingredients:

technology "Liquid light» makes the skin radiant;

vitamins C and E work as antioxidants, which means they prevent signs of aging.


For what skin: very dry, exposed to negative environmental factors, including weather.

What problems does it solve?: strengthens the barrier properties of the epidermis.

Active Ingredients:

vitamin E enhances antioxidant protection, protects against premature aging;

glycerol prevents dryness and dehydration;

oils Jojoba, apricot, coriander, macadamia nut improve skin texture.

Capital >

For what skin: any, including sensitive.

What problems does it solve?: protects against photoaging, makes tan beautiful and safe.

Active Ingredients:

epiloba extract reduces the risk of inflammation;

Mexoril SX and XL, octocrylene, parsol protect against photoaging.

How to choose the right cream

When choosing cosmetics, focus on three main parameters.

Skin type and condition.

If you are in doubt about an objective assessment of any of these characteristics, consult a cosmetologist.

At the core Vichy creams for skin thermal water that helps keep your face fresh and youthful. The line of care products includes options for all skin types:

  1. For the problematic one - Normaderm. Available in two versions: day and night. The first is a gel cream that has a mattifying effect; its use will help restore the skin, enrich it with nutrients, even it out, and accelerate regeneration. The daily remedy allows you to remove those epidermal cells that no longer function. Night contains special components that help normalize sebum secretion and help cleanse pores. If you use both creams regularly, you can reduce inflammation and get rid of post-acne.
  2. For dry - Aqualia Thermal. For skin prone to dryness and flaking, Vichy Aqualia Thermal “Dynamic Moisturizing” cream is suitable. Has a soft and rich texture. Regular use of the product will improve the condition of the dermis. Thanks to the composition, the skin will stop flaking and will look fresh. There is also a night cream. In combination with day cream, it helps to saturate the skin with moisture, resulting in the disappearance of the feeling of tightness and dryness.. For young women Nutrilogie 1 is suitable, recommended for use in winter. The cream helps restore the barrier properties of the skin. For women over 45 years old Vichy Neovadiol GF cream is suitable; it helps not only to moisturize the skin, but also to eliminate wrinkles and sagging.
  1. For fatty – The product contains kaolin, which helps reduce the amount of skin secretion. It is distinguished by the substance AirLicium present in the composition. The substance provides smoothness to the surface of the skin and has a mattifying effect. Also in the line of Vichy creams Normaderm for oily skin are presented for a comprehensive effect. For example, BB cream has a comprehensive effect on the dermis: cleanses, gets rid of oily sheen, mattifies, evens out tone.
  2. For combined myoung women It is recommended to choose a product from the Aqualia Thermal line. It provides the epidermis with a sufficient amount of moisture for two days, and also smoothes out minor irregularities. you can use Vichy cream. It helps keep the epidermis toned, has a rejuvenating effect, allowing you to smooth out small wrinkles. Over the age of 50 Vichy cream Neovadiol is suitable. It is designed for combination to normal skin and helps significantly reduce the signs of aging. For any age Vichy Slow Age is suitable. The cream helps reduce the severity of old wrinkles, and also smoothes out newly formed ones, evens out the tone and reduces age spots.
  3. For sensitive suitable from the Idealia and Aqualia Thermal lines. They help the skin restore the moisture balance in the tissues. All creams are hypoallergenic.
  4. From pigmentation - Bi-White Reveal, helps whiten the dermis. It can be used for problem areas on the face, neck, and décolleté. The cream is applied only once a day. After a month of use, you can notice an improvement in complexion.
  5. Vichy cream for the skin around the eyes has the following features: the composition is represented by natural and beneficial components that heal the skin; promotes hydration; moisturizes and has a lifting effect on the thin epidermis. One of the most popular creams is Vichy Idealia. The product helps to forget about dark circles under the eyes forever, and also eliminates puffiness and smoothes the skin. Another product is Liftactiv Retinol. Effectively fights wrinkles at any age. But experts recommend its use for women over 30 years of age. After 45, Vichy Neovadiol is suitable, it has an extended scope of action.

Read more in our article about Vichy creams, the best of the line for solving certain problems.

Read in this article

Vichy cream for skin

Cosmetics of this brand have long proven themselves among women of any age. Vichy skin creams are based on thermal water, which helps keep your face fresh and youthful. The line of care products includes options for all skin types.

How to determine your skin type

For problematic

Vichy Normaderm cream was developed especially for people suffering from uneven dermis. It is available in two versions: day and night. The first of them is a gel-cream that has a mattifying effect. Therefore, its use will not only help restore the skin by enriching it with nutrients, but also even out it.

Vichy Normaderm cream contains glycolic, lipohydroxy and ascorbic acids. They work together on the facial skin, providing it with evenness and smoothness. Experts say that noticeable changes in a positive direction can be seen after just a month of regular use of the cream.

Also, the daily remedy allows you to remove those epidermal cells that no longer function. And vitamin C helps speed up skin regeneration.

To ensure rapid improvement in the condition of the dermis, it is recommended to use the night product together with the daytime product. It contains special components such as acids and perlite, which help normalize sebum secretion. It also helps cleanse pores of accumulated dirt. If you use both Vichy creams for problem skin regularly, you can reduce inflammation, achieve a smooth face, and get rid of post-acne.

And here is more information about the cream for mature skin.

For dry

Girls and women who suffer from lack of moisture will benefit from a product from the Aqualia Thermal line. This type of Vichy cream has a unique composition that helps fight dry skin:

  1. Aquabioril. The substance creates a thin invisible film on the surface of the dermis, which does not allow moisture to evaporate. At the same time, the skin breathes calmly.
  2. Hyaluronic acid. Helps retain moisture in the epidermis.
  3. L-carrageenan. Helps activate the hydroexchange process and is also responsible for ensuring that cells and tissues receive an even amount of fluid.

For skin prone to dryness and flaking, Vichy Aqualia Thermal “Dynamic Moisturizing” cream is suitable. It has a soft and rich texture. Regular use of the product will improve the condition of the dermis. Thanks to this composition, which is created specifically to retain moisture, the skin will stop flaking and will always look fresh.

Also included in the line of Vichy Aqualia Thermal creams for dry skin is a night cream. It has a gel texture and is very easy to apply. In combination with day cream, it allows you to saturate the skin with moisture, as a result of which the feeling of tightness and dryness disappears.

Another Vichy cream suitable for young women is Nutrilogie 1. Cosmetics manufacturers recommend using it in winter, because it is at this time that the skin is exposed to cold air and becomes dry. Nutrilogie 1 will help moisturize the dermis that has lost moisture due to a variety of reasons. The cream helps restore the barrier properties of the skin.

For women over 45 years old, Neovadiol GF Vichy cream is suitable. Its composition is distinguished by the fact that it contains concentrated hyaluronic acid, which helps not only moisturize the skin, but also eliminate wrinkles and sagging. There is also a nighttime variety of cosmetic product.

For fatty

Vichy Normaderm cream will also help solve the problem of excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. The product contains kaolin, which helps reduce the amount of skin secretion.

Also, the innovative formula of the cream is distinguished by the AirLicium substance present in the composition. It consists almost entirely of air, and only one percent of the component is a special polymer. The substance ensures smoothness of the skin surface. At the same time, it has a mattifying effect. That is, with active sebum secretion, the face will still remain perfectly smooth.

Also in the Vichy Normaderm line of creams for oily skin there are products that allow you to have a complex effect. For example, a special cream-gel is aimed at additionally combating the manifestation of the first signs of aging. There is also a cosmetic product that serves as a base for makeup. BB cream has a comprehensive effect on the dermis: cleanses, eliminates oily sheen, mattifies, evens out tone.

For combined

Young women are recommended to choose a product from the Aqualia Thermal line. But if a cream with a richer composition is used for dry skin, then a light option is suitable for combination skin. It provides the epidermis with a sufficient amount of moisture for two days, and also smoothes out minor irregularities.

You can also use Vichy Idealia cream for combination skin. It helps keep the epidermis toned. In addition, it has a rejuvenating effect, allowing you to smooth out small wrinkles.

Cream from Vichy Neovadiol

For ladies over 50 years old, Neovadiol Vichy cream is suitable. It is designed for combination to normal skin and helps significantly reduce the signs of aging. All this happens due to the fact that the product improves lipid metabolism and also moisturizes the dermis.

Also for women of any age with combination and normal skin, Vichy Slow Age was created. The cream helps reduce the severity of old wrinkles, and also smoothes out those that have just appeared. Therefore, it can be used by both young girls and mature ladies. In addition, it helps even out skin tone and reduce age spots.

Night refreshing cream-mask for correcting signs of skin aging - Vichy Slow Age Fresh Cream

For sensitive

For girls and women with thin and delicate skin, experts recommend choosing Vichy products from the Idealia and Aqualia Thermal lines. As a rule, sensitive skin uses creams that are designed specifically to combat dryness. They help the skin restore the moisture balance in the tissues.

It is worth noting that manufacturers of Vichy pharmaceutical cosmetics create the most natural products possible, which allows you to avoid allergies. Therefore, creams, especially Aqualia Thermal, are great for sensitive skin that can react to any chemical component.

Vichy Set Aqualia Thermal Light Face Cream + Purete Thermale Foam Cleanser

For pigmentation

In addition to care products, Vichy specialists have developed one that is aimed at evening out skin tone. Bi-White Reveal helps whiten the dermis. It can be used for problem areas on the face, neck, and décolleté.

The cream is applied only once a day. Those who have already used the cosmetic product noted its dense texture. But, nevertheless, cosmetics are absorbed into the skin quite quickly. After a month of using Vichy cream against age spots, you can notice an improvement in complexion.

Bi-White Reveal product line from Vichy

At the same time, experts recommend applying the product exclusively to problem areas of the skin, since the product has a drying effect.

Vichy cream for the skin around the eyes

All women strive to maintain youth. As a rule, the first signs of skin aging appear around the eyes. Therefore, thin and delicate dermis needs daily care. The Vichy company produces cream specifically for the skin around the eyes. Those who have already tried the product on themselves note the following benefits:

  1. the composition contains natural and beneficial ingredients that heal the skin;
  2. contains hyaluronic acid, which promotes hydration;
  3. the company is constantly improving the product;
  4. moisturizes and has a lifting effect on the thin epidermis around the eyes.

One of the most popular creams is Vichy Idealia. The product helps to forget about dark circles under the eyes forever, and also eliminates puffiness. Thanks to the beneficial composition, which includes a vitamin complex and minerals, the skin is smoothed and small expression wrinkles disappear. The cream does not contain substances that could cause an allergic reaction, so it is suitable for any woman.

Another product from Vichy that cares for the skin around the eyes is Liftactiv Retinol. Effectively fights wrinkles at any age. But experts recommend its use for women over 30 years of age. The cream contains retinol and adenosine, which easily cope even with deep wrinkles. Indeed, under the influence of these components, collagen and elastin are better produced. But girls over 25 years old can also use it.

Vichy Neovadiol was developed especially for older ladies. It can be used by women from 45 to 60 years old. It has a distinctive feature from other versions of Vichy creams - it has an expanded scope of action. That is, it can be used not only against small irregularities and crow’s feet, but also to correct the skin around the lips.

How to properly apply eye cream

Vichy creams are very easy to use. Like any other facial care products, they are applied only to clean dermis. It is recommended to repeat the procedure twice a day: morning and evening.

It is also important to follow the correct technique for applying Vichy cream. You need to lightly tap it with the pad of your finger into the thin skin of the lower eyelid from the outer corner to the inner one. Then go to the top and move from the eyebrow to the temple. The experts who developed the cream say that the ring finger is best suited, since its movements are the softest.

And here is more information about why you should use night cream for your face.

Pharmacy cosmetics from the Vichy brand are popular among women of all ages. The variety of lines allows you to choose a product suitable for a specific skin type. Vichy manufacturers especially emphasize that their creams are mostly made from natural ingredients, and therefore do not cause allergies.

Useful video

Watch the video about cosmetics from the Vichy brand:


Thermal water for sensitive skin

DERMABLEND Fond De Teint Correcteur

Corrective foundation fluid for problem skin Shades: 4

> 50 ml 14

Day care cream for normal and combination skin

PURETE THERMALE Lotion Apaisante Douceur

Toner for sensitive skin without parabens

NORMADERM Nettoyant Tri-Activ

Deep cleansing gel + scrub + mask for problem skin

Pore ​​Purifying Clay Mask

Pore-cleansing mask (sachet)

PURETE THERMALE Eau Moussante Nettoyante Eclat

Cleansing foam for sensitive skin

PURETE THERMAL Demaquillant Integral

A universal cleanser for all skin types. including sensitive

PURETE THERMALE Demaquillant Apaisant Yeux Sensibles

Makeup remover lotion for sensitive skin and eye area

AQUALIA THERMAL Soin Hydratant 24H Apaisant Fortifiant Riche

A rich moisturizing cream for dry sensitive skin

NORMADERM Soin Hydratant Anti Age

Anti-aging cream for problem skin

Quenching Mineral Mask

Soothing mask (sachet)

Dercos Set

Capital > 200 ml

Moisturizing spray veil for all skin types

NORMADERM Concealing Anti-Imperfection Stick

Masking pencil that dries out inflammatory elements

AQUALIA THERMAL Soin Hydratant 24H Apaisant Fortifiant Legere

Light moisturizing cream for dry to normal skin

NORMADERM Solution Micellaire

Micellar lotion for cleansing problematic sensitive skin

> 50 ml 2

Day care cream for dry skin

Vichy series - PARTICIPANT

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