Seeing yourself with wrinkles in a dream

This phenomenon causes negative emotions, especially among women. But there is no escape from this; age takes its toll.

For some, they appear in their dreams at night, so the question immediately arises: why do they dream of wrinkles? Is it the dreamer’s fears about their appearance, or does this image carry another meaning? As always, this question is best answered by a dream book, and it offers the following interpretations:

  1. Be popular among the opposite sex.
  2. Health.
  3. Great love.
  4. Get a good offer.

It is important to consider where exactly the wrinkles were: on the face, arms, neck, etc. Depending on this, your dream may take on completely different shades.

Grooves on different parts of the body

If you happen to see wrinkles all over your body in a dream, you are probably terribly afraid of the aging process and are very worried about it. And lack of confidence in yourself and your beauty is reflected in your mood and relationships with members of the opposite sex.

It is important to understand that this image is a reflection of your internal fears and complexes that do not have a significant basis. Get rid of them as soon as possible.

Wrinkles on the forehead in a dream are a symbol of your experiences. Perhaps you are on the verge of making an important decision. This image notifies that the right option lies on the surface and it will bring you well-being and prosperity.

Hands covered with wrinkles promise to receive an interesting offer, perhaps for work or business. For a woman, this could be a marriage proposal. But you can also have this dream as a sign of upcoming painstaking work that will bring you a worthy reward.

Those who dreamed of their own body - old, flabby, wrinkled - have nothing to worry about. A long, happy life awaits you; illnesses and infirmities do not threaten you. If you are a woman and saw your body as young and beautiful, like that of a young girl, the dream predicts signs of attention from a rich, successful man.

Did you apply a special cream to the wrinkles on your own face and they disappeared? Perhaps one of your friends will turn to you for advice, and you will find something to tell him. But wrinkles under the eyes can signal anxiety. Don't take everything too personally, there's really no reason to.

Let's also find out what the dream book says about dreams where there were wrinkles on the face, namely when they “decorated” the forehead. This is a sign of authority, people respect you and take into account your opinion, listen to your advice. In general, dreamers who dream of wrinkles on their faces are respected not only at work and in society, but also among their families.

It is also interesting to know what you dream about when you are an old person, but before your eyes you begin to look younger. As the dream book says, wrinkles in this interpretation promise signs of attention from a representative of the opposite sex.

But someone else’s face with wrinkles prophesies to dreamers some kind of work that will take a lot of time, but the result will bring considerable profit, as well as satisfaction.

Wrinkles between the eyebrows, or rather, their number, have always shown how many times you will get married. In dreams, this means having great popularity among men (women).

But you should also not lose sight of the fact that, watching your body wither in a dream, in reality you are simply worried about your appearance and age. In this case, it is important to remember that every age is beautiful in its own way. Author: Natalia Chernikova

According to philosophers, wrinkles are “an honest mark of time.” Some people resign themselves to their appearance, while others try in every possible way to restore firmness and elasticity to their skin. Why do you dream about wrinkles? What events do they foreshadow?

Someone else's face with wrinkles is a sign that you have long, painstaking work ahead of you. If a woman appeared to you in a dream, then chores await you. A dream about a man foreshadows a responsible task at work.

As the dream book writes, people who try to look younger than their age dream of wrinkles on a child’s face. If you have to make serious sacrifices for this, think about it. After all, our age is determined not so much by our appearance as by our state of mind.

See yourself

Wrinkles on your own face are a good sign. Such a dream is especially favorable for those whose skin has not yet been touched by time. And for older people, this dream indicates optimism and peace of mind.

The meaning of the dream largely depends on which part of the face you notice wrinkles on. Therefore, after waking up, try to remember in detail what exactly you dreamed about.

Wrinkles on the forehead in a dream remind you that you have to make an important decision. Your well-being in the future depends on its correctness. By making the right choice, you can ensure yourself a happy, comfortable life.

Also, a wrinkled forehead is a sign of the dreamer’s wisdom and experience. Perhaps you recently found yourself in a situation that taught you something new. This knowledge will definitely be useful to you in the future.

Wrinkles under the eyes indicate that there is a personality in your environment that is worth taking a closer look at. It is possible that this person has been in love with you for a long time, but does not dare admit it to you.

If in your dream wrinkles connect one eyebrow to the other, then in reality you will resume contact with a person with whom you have not communicated for a long time. According to the dream book, such wrinkles also foreshadow financial income.

  1. Small wrinkles mean you have a cheerful disposition.
  2. Long - success awaits you.
  3. Deep - for a love adventure.
  4. Appearing when you smile is good news.
  5. They appear and then disappear - to a changeable mood.

Why do you have a dream about wrinkles on your cheeks? Usually such night dreams are a sign that you are successful with members of the opposite sex. This happens thanks to your charm and natural charm.

To see any wrinkles on the neck in a dream, according to the dream book, means to control the situation, to be aware of all matters. The information you keep in your head will definitely be useful to you to implement your plans.

You may also dream of wrinkles on your hands. Such a dream foreshadows a profitable, profitable offer. Most likely, you will get it from a reliable, trusted person who will want to see you as a business partner.

A wrinkled belly foreshadows a rich holiday feast. The dream book recommends carefully monitoring your diet and not overeating - otherwise, some digestive disorders are possible.

If you dreamed that your entire body was covered with wrinkles, then success awaits you. A dream in which you see how your body suddenly turns from ideal to wrinkled is considered especially favorable.

In order to determine why you dreamed of wrinkles on the face and other parts of the body, try to remember your dream in detail. Better yet, write it down and only then start interpreting it. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Wrinkles on the face appear in dreams for a reason. Interpretations of what a sad sight means in a dream often contain a call to action. Based on some details, the dream book will help clarify relationships with others.

Miller's Predictions

By explaining why wrinkles on the face are seen in dreams, Miller’s dream book clarifies the sleeper’s attitude towards what he sees. When old age evokes sympathy, in reality a cunning, selfish person will take advantage of the dreamer’s generosity. If you are frightened by an ugly old woman in a dream, the threat of magical influence is quite real. Counting folds on the skin is a good sign: in reality, the number of fans will increase noticeably.

Women's dreams

The folk oracle will help you figure out why women dream about a wrinkled face. If you dreamed of wrinkles on your forehead, calm, prosperous times are coming. The crease between the eyebrows means the attention of the opposite sex.

A wrinkled growth on the neck encourages you to take care of your reputation and not feed gossipers with amorous stories. A mesh under the eyes means that someone close to you will be seriously upset. Wrinkled cheeks in a dream warn against dubious acquaintances.

Dreams of men

Shereminskaya's dream book explains in detail why a representative of the stronger sex saw wrinkles in a visible place. The wrinkled covering of the forehead symbolizes the authority of the sleeper. Unevenness in the chin area promises a lot of work, fortunately, it is far from in vain.

The deeper the crease between the eyebrows is, the more problems and worries will be left behind. Uneven skin around the eyes portends confrontation for young people, while for older people it indicates the need to reconsider their views on one pressing issue. Sometimes the symbol reflects disappointment in love affairs.

Mirrors lie

In various dream books there are explanations for why you have to see age-related changes:

  1. If you dreamed about your face with wrinkles, you have to learn a bitter lesson;
  2. Seeing signs of aging on your own forehead in your youth happens to centenarians;
  3. Your wrinkled face in a dream speaks of a desire to make amends for a mistake or mistake;
  4. If you happen to see your face covered in wrinkles, you have a secret admirer;
  5. Any disorder on your own face in a dream reflects concern for your image.

View from the outside

Dream books offer interesting explanations of why wrinkles appear on someone else's face. If you dreamed of such an image, the Modern Interpreter promises that unemployment does not threaten you. According to the forecast of esotericists, there is a high probability of experiencing a completely unexpected passion for an old acquaintance.

When you happen to see wrinkles all over a young face, Tsvetkov’s dream book advises you to beware of self-deception. Signs of aging in someone else's portrait personify the dream of eternal youth.

Beauty, come back!

When wrinkles can be eliminated on the entire face in a dream, the dream book from A to Z warns of an unplanned visit from dear guests. The interpretation of the dream by psychologist D. Loff says that now is the time to initiate favorable changes.

If in a dream there is not a trace of wrinkles on your entire face, in reality you will be lucky enough to solve a problem that concerns many, after which your authority among friends will noticeably increase.