Types of acne on the face

Acne and other types of pimples appear against the background of seborrhea, that is, excessive secretion of sebum. They form in areas of the skin that are richest in sebaceous glands. On average, there are about 900 glands on one square centimeter of the skin of the face, upper back and chest, while in other areas of the body their number does not exceed 100.

Features of acne formation

The reasons that cause the formation of acne on the body include not only excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands, but also infection of the skin with bacteria, hormonal imbalance and pathology of the hair follicle, for example, ingrown hairs. Most often, acne appears in teenagers, but adults often face this skin problem. Acne is one of the most common skin diseases.

The peak of the disease occurs between the ages of 13 and 18 years, while in girls acne begins to appear much earlier, but disappears faster. In guys, acne can take severe forms, worsening the quality of life and causing significant psychological problems, primarily due to a cosmetic defect. In men, this pathology can become chronic, and by the age of 40 it will develop into late-onset acne.

The very first signs are considered to be increased sebum secretion, as well as microcomedones. At this time, it is already necessary to contact a specialist in order to prevent the development of a severe form of the disease in the future.

Main types of acne

Many people call most skin growths acne, not knowing that there are many types of acne. Each species has its own scientific name. Depending on the external manifestations, the types of acne differ:

  1. Papular.
  2. Comedones.
  3. Indurative.
  4. Pustular.
  5. Phlegmonous.
  6. Abscessing, or suppurating indurative.
  7. Conglobate.
  8. Drain.

The choice of treatment for skin inflammation will depend on its severity. In mild cases, using home remedies will suffice. If there is a large number of any type of acne on the face, their treatment should begin with a visit to a dermatologist. Especially if the number of rashes is large, and the pimples are deep and merge with each other.

Almost all types of acne on the body form in stages. First, there is a blockage of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands due to increased secretion of sebum, which is caused by hypersensitivity of cells to sex hormones. Because of this, a breeding ground is created for various harmful microorganisms. When they multiply, they break down fat to produce fatty acids that damage the surface of the skin. As a result of such chemical irritation, an inflammatory process is formed.

Water pimples often appear on the face, which indicate the presence of the herpes virus in the body. These watery growths should not be confused with acne and blackheads. Some types of acne are even blue in color.

Comedones as the most common form

Comedones are mainly localized on the face and head. They form in the hair follicle, which becomes filled with dead skin cells and excess sebum. As a result, comedones form into small raised areas, papules, with black or white dots in the center. Some foods can trigger the formation of comedones, for example, those rich in animal fat, fried, spicy or salty foods. Such products are called comedogenic. Comedones are externally divided into two main types:

  1. Black dots. These black plugs on the surface of the papules are filled with excess fat by skin cells. New growths acquire a black tint due not to the accumulation of dirt, as many believe, but due to improper reflection of light rays from clogged hair follicles. The color of sebum can also change when exposed to air. In some cases, the appearance of such a pathology is associated with improper use of cosmetics based on moisturizing components and oils. The reason for the formation of blackheads may be increased environmental humidity and pollution. In addition, blackheads can appear due to excessive use of soap or other cleansers. Dry skin can lead to increased sebum production and can also cause clogged pores. Most often, open comedones form on the chin, forehead and nose. Typically, special acne medications that can be purchased over the counter are sufficient to treat blackheads.
  2. White heads. When the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland is completely blocked near the follicle itself, pimples with a white purulent head are formed. Such pimples are called closed comedones. Their contents do not reach the surface of the skin, but accumulate under the top layer of the skin and cause the formation of blisters. In this case, sebum does not come into contact with air, so acne does not darken. To get rid of this type of acne, you can use simple cosmetics. Non-inflammatory comedones are not accompanied by swelling and redness of the skin. You can get rid of white pimples at home using salicylic acid. This substance exfoliates dead skin cells well, opening the passage for excess sebum. That is why the composition of special lotions includes salicylic acid. Acne with a white head is less susceptible to treatment, so in addition to salicylic acid, retinoids, for example, Differin, are used to eliminate them.

Papular and pustular type

During inflammation, comedones form in papular appearance eels. This occurs due to the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the sebaceous glands, causing inflammation and the appearance of pus. Small, soft, pink or reddish bumps form on the surface of the skin. The skin around them is often slightly hyperemic. Quite often these pimples are sensitive to touch and are accompanied by slight itching. Extruding contents will only intensify the inflammatory process, and in the future this can lead to scarring.

If a large number of such papules have formed on the skin, then this is a sign of severe or moderate acne that needs treatment. Inflammatory acne will be less responsive to treatment than comedones. To eliminate them, products based on benzoyl peroxide are used. The specialist should also prescribe antibiotics - local and for oral administration, isotretinoin preparations.

Pustular acne are pustules that often develop from comedones with white heads. A red, inflamed rim appears around the lesion. The neoplasm itself is filled with yellow or white pus. It may be irregular in shape. Pustular acne often merges with each other, protruding above the skin surface. As a rule, the formation of pustular elements does not associated with severe bacterial infection.

It is necessary to avoid squeezing out blackheads, as this can lead to the formation of dark spots or scars on the skin.

Indurative or nodular tubercles

This type of subcutaneous acne presents as large, painful nodules or bumps. They are formed when the sebaceous gland duct is completely blocked, as well as due to inflammation and irritation of the surrounding skin tissue. These neoplasms are dense to the touch, acne penetrates deep into the structure of the skin, and is often accompanied by pain. When such acne forms, the help of a dermatologist is necessary. As a rule, drug treatment with isotretinoin, which is taken orally for six months, is sufficient.

Abscessing cystic formations

When suppuration of indurated acne is observed due to the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, a cystic formation is formed, which is abscessed acne. They are filled with purulent contents and resemble boils in appearance. The formations are very painful, soft to the touch, and after opening, atrophic deep scars remain.

The course of the disease is relapsing. In this case specialist help needed, often requires consultation not only with a dermatologist, but also with an immunologist and an endocrinologist. Isotretinoin is also used for treatment. The abscess can be removed surgically.

Phlegmonous and conglobate forms of acne

Phlegmonous acne are formed when inflammation penetrates into the deep layer of the skin, and small cavities appear filled with pus. On the surface of the skin, acne manifests itself in the form of widespread lumpiness. Over time, the cavities begin to merge into large lesions, forming nodes of a purple hue. Over time, the phlegmonous formations break through, and purulent contents mixed with blood begin to come out through several holes. The course of the disease is long, it is very difficult to treat.

Conglobate form of acne is one of the heaviest. These acne often form on the neck, back, buttocks and chest. Externally, they appear as a large number of inflamed follicles, which can merge with neighboring areas of inflammation. Most often, such acne appears in men. The appearance of neoplasms associated with anabolic steroid use or testosterone.

Control methods and treatment principles

For mild skin diseases, it is enough to use special cosmetic lotions for at least 2 months. The average severity of the lesion requires taking appropriate medications prescribed by a dermatologist. Treatment in this case lasts several weeks, often in the first time after the start of therapy, the severity of the acne increases slightly. In severe stages of the disease the main goal is to reduce inflammation and scarring. The doctor prescribes a variety of medications and physical procedures that can improve the appearance of the skin and the condition of the sebaceous glands.

Local therapy is used to treat various types of acne. This may include medicine that is applied directly to the affected areas. Acne ointments and creams contain substances such as resorcinol, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, zinc and sulfur derivatives. Prescription medications, such as retinoid ointments and antibacterial creams, are also used.

Tablet medications are used for systemic therapy. The doctor prescribes antibiotics: Erythromycin, Doxycycline, Tetracycline. These medications can destroy bacteria that cause acne suppuration and inflammation. If necessary, the specialist prescribes other drugs for treatment:

  1. Spironolactone.
  2. Oral contraceptives to normalize hormonal levels in women.
  3. Isotretinoin, which is a derivative of vitamin A.
  4. Antiandrogenic substances.

Due to the large number of side effects of Isotretinoin, this drug should only be prescribed by a doctor.

There is no overnight cure for acne. The disease must first be cured from the inside. That is why, if nodular pimples have already begun to form in the form of tubercles in large quantities, inside of which there is purulent content, you need to seek help from a dermatologist.

This result of disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands is difficult not to notice. Acne requires timely contact with a dermatologist for prescriptions. There are many reasons for its appearance, as well as types. Each type of acne dictates an algorithm for combating rashes.

What is acne

A chronic disease of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands with excess sebum production is called acne. In medicine there are other names - acne, acne vulgaris, comedones. Symptoms most often occur during puberty - between the ages of 13 and 18 years. Girls suffer more from acne, but their skin clears up faster. Young men are diagnosed with complicated skin rashes, which by the age of 30–40 develop into late acne.

Mechanism of acne formation

The sebaceous glands produce sebum. First, it enters the hair follicles, then is released onto the surface of the skin. With increased activity of the sebaceous glands or keratosis, the pores become clogged with plugs. Sebum is no longer secreted and accumulates in the hair follicle - whiteheads appear on the face. When the ducts are blocked and bacteria get under the plug, pus accumulates and the acne becomes inflamed.

Types of acne on the face

Acne vulgaris occurs in every person. Most often localized on the cheeks, forehead, chin. The following types of skin rashes are distinguished:

  1. Open (black dots). Plugs in the sebaceous glands, the pigment melanin gives them black color.
  2. Closed (wen). Located in the epidermis, they have a dense structure and white color.
  3. Papules. Nodular formations of red color with purulent contents are localized in the epidermis.
  4. Pustules. These are pimples with a white head that contain pus. The surrounding tissues are red, inflamed, and painful on palpation.

Classification of acne according to pathogenesis and symptoms:

  1. Retention. A harmless type of disease (only an aesthetic defect).
  2. Papulopustular. Papules and pustules of a purple hue, 2–5 mm in size.
  3. Cystic. A complicated form that leaves scars on the face. The skin is inflamed, acne and pus merge into groups, forming subcutaneous passages.
  4. Fulminant. A rare pathology with damage to the digestive tract, anorexia, muscle pain, and high fever. It most often develops in adolescents 13–18 years old.
  5. Keloid.Men suffer; uneven furrows and lumps remain on the face. Pustules and papules are painful and reach 1–4 mm in size.

Types of comedones in severe forms of the disease:

  1. Conglobate. Cystic formations that quickly spread throughout the skin.
  2. Indurative. Severe acne is accompanied by inflammation affecting the deep layers of the dermis.
  3. Phlegmonous. Vulgar acne is filled with pus and affects large areas of facial skin.
  4. Abscessing. The formations look like boils, painful when touched. They contain pus and form atrophic scars after opening.

Acne severity

The effectiveness and speed of treatment depends on the stage of the pathology, so it is better not to treat acne. There are 4 degrees of rash:

  1. First. Blackheads are few in number, papules are without pus, and there are no unpleasant sensations on the skin.
  2. Second. The appearance of pustules, numerous papules, inflammation of the skin with redness and pain when touched.
  3. Third. Enlarged pustules with purulent contents, intense inflammatory process involving large areas of facial skin.
  4. Fourth. Confluence of pustules, numerous papules, deep boils, inflammation, redness and peeling of the epidermis.

Why do acne appear on the face?

Intense production of androgens during adolescence contributes to the appearance of acne. Physiological causes of pathology:

  1. hormonal changes in the body of pregnant women, adolescents, women during menopause and before menstruation;
  2. taking oral contraceptives (birth control pills);
  3. drug therapy (long-term use of barbiturates, lithium and iodine preparations);
  4. a lot of fatty, smoked foods, eating fast food;
  5. incorrectly selected cosmetics (no “non-comedogenic” label);
  6. violation/non-compliance with personal hygiene rules (poor exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis);
  7. environmental factor (gas contamination, dustiness of the environment);
  8. genetic factor (hereditary predisposition).

Why acne appears on the face:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Gastritis, increased activity of Helicobacter pylori infection.
  2. Impaired secretion of the sebaceous glands. Intense production of sebum - a favorable environment for the development of acne.
  3. Demodecosis. Increased activity of demodex mites.
  4. Attachment of a secondary infection.Pathology develops when the sebaceous glands are disrupted.

Treatment of acne on the face

A dermatologist will help you cope with this problem. Comprehensive treatment begins with proper care of problem skin. The main goal is to stop inflammation, prevent new rashes, and speed up recovery.

The choice of treatment regimen depends on the severity of symptoms and the stage of acne.

Effective methods for treating comedones:

  1. therapeutic diet;
  2. drug therapy;
  3. cosmetic procedures;
  4. folk remedies.

Medications for facial acne

Part of the complex treatment is local therapy. For any intensity of rashes, the dermatologist prescribes an anti-acne cream or ointment, which relieves inflammation, relieves pain, and inhibits the spread of infection. Salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, sulfur and zinc derivatives are welcome in such medications. Effective groups of drugs for external use:

  1. monocomponent retinoids (Differin, Zorak, Klenzit);
  2. retinoids with antibiotic (Klenzit-S) or benzoyl peroxide (Effezel);
  3. preparations based on azelaic acid (Skinoren);
  4. external agents with salicylic acid(Clerasil series of products).

In severe cases of seborrhea, a course of tablets is prescribed. If acne on the face appears against the background of gastrointestinal dysfunction, infectious and inflammatory processes, Acnecutan capsules and semi-synthetic antibiotics Doxycycline, Erythromycin, Tetracycline are prescribed. In case of hormonal imbalance, a course of oral contraceptives is recommended (Yarina, Zhanine), and in case of late acne in adults, the androgen blocker Spironolactone is recommended.

Cosmetology procedures

Beauty sessions are combined with local treatment, nutritional correction and compliance with the rules for caring for problem skin. Effective cosmetic procedures:

  1. Laser therapy. The laser has a bactericidal effect, removes excess sebum, enhances collagen production, evens out facial contours, and does not leave scars.
  2. Ozone therapy. Injection with an ozone-oxygen mixture relieves inflammation, stimulates blood circulation, and restores the protective functions of facial skin.
  3. Chemical peeling with fruit acids. Removes the stratum corneum, destroys bacteria, and relieves the symptoms of acne.
  4. Microdermabrasion of the face. Expands pores, removes the stratum corneum, nourishes damaged tissue, removes wrinkles.
  5. Light therapy. The stream of light destroys pathogenic flora that causes acne.

Treating acne at home

Conservative treatment at home in the absence of individual intolerance to the components includes the following over-the-counter drugs:

  1. Alcohol solution of salicylic acid 1%. Wipe the skin 2 times a day for no more than 7 days.
  2. Baziron AS. Apply small portions of the gel to clean, dried skin. Carry out the procedure 3-4 times/day. The course of treatment is individual.
  3. Zenerite. Wipe your face with lotion before going to bed, repeat the procedure every other day. The course of treatment is up to 10–12 weeks.

General recommendations for treating acne at home:

  1. Eliminate fatty, fried, salty, spicy, smoked foods from the menu, limit baked goods and confectionery.
  2. Avoid alcohol, energy drinks, carbonated drinks, and strong coffee.
  3. Do not squeeze out acne, otherwise a secondary infection may occur, suppuration, and the formation of scars.
  4. Wash your face at least 2 times a day with warm water, use mild soap or alcohol-free cleansing lotions.
  5. To remove blackheads, consult a professional cosmetologist.

Folk remedies for acne

Alternative treatment is not always effective, especially if folk remedies are used independently. It is advisable to combine them with methods of official medicine (tablets, ointments, creams), and cosmetic procedures. Self-use is possible for prevention. Recipes for facial beauty and health:

  1. Cucumber lotion. Grate 2-3 fresh cucumbers, pour in 1 glass of vodka. Pour into a glass container, store the tincture in the refrigerator, and use immediately after preparation. Wipe your face morning and evening.
  2. Aloe mask. Cut a fresh leaf in half and rub the pulp into the problem areas. Do not wash your face for 15–20 minutes. Carry out the procedure once every 3 days.
  3. Water infusion of calendula. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dried raw materials 1 cup boiling water. Insist under the lid. Strain the infusion, wipe problem areas of the face 3 times a day.


To keep your skin clean and your face beautiful, take preventive measures every day:

  1. Watch your diet (reduce portions of simple carbohydrates, avoid fatty, fried, spicy foods).
  2. Take care of your nerves, avoid stress.
  3. Strengthen your immune system.
  4. Give up bad habits (alcohol, smoking).
  5. Buy high-quality cosmetics without parabens and other harmful ingredients.
  6. Follow the rules of personal hygiene (wash your face several times a day with foam, lotion, etc.).
  7. To cleanse the skin, make masks with aloe, wipe the dermis with a decoction of calendula or chamomile.
  8. Treat skin diseases and gastrointestinal diseases in a timely manner.

Each of us has faced the problem of acne. This is an unpleasant and troublesome phenomenon; it frightens with the unpredictability of its appearance and development. Acne is often treated incorrectly, and the main reason for rash actions is the lack of knowledge in this area. To effectively fight acne, you need to understand the types of acne, know how they differ from each other and understand the severity of the disease. If these parameters are known, then the search for a treatment regimen is simplified.

Disease severity

There are four degrees of severity of the disease.

The first one is the easiest. Light form flows smoothly, it can be seen on the face of a teenager or an adult. The first stage is characterized by a small number of blackheads and they look like closed acne or open acne (comedones). As a rule, there is no inflammatory process. However, within the first degree, several pustules are allowed. Treatment can be carried out at home, but it must take place, otherwise the disease will begin to progress. When acne disappears, there are usually no traces left.

The second stage of the disease begins when there is up to 11 pieces of different eels. It is manifested by the presence of closed acne, blackheads, redheads and pustules. It happens to both teenagers and mature people, for example, women during their menstrual periods. Self-treatment is acceptable, but if acne has not disappeared within three weeks, then you should go to a dermatologist.

The third degree is a severe form of the disease. It has already spread to the body and counts up to 40 pimples different types. You can see the inflammatory process and suppuration. Pimples look larger than in the first two stages. Post-acne appears, which looks like stagnant spots and scars. At the third stage, acne “multiplies” uncontrollably, capturing more and more new territories, so you need to urgently go to the doctor. If this is not done or if you begin to treat it yourself, it can result in ugly scars and blood poisoning.

At the fourth stage of the disease, there is already a whole “army” of pimples on the skin with various shades and sizes. Often several pimples merge together and form cysts and nodes. Dark spots and large scars form on the skin, and the affected areas bleed and fester; at the slightest friction of clothing, breakouts form. As a rule, the back, shoulders, and chest are completely affected. If professional treatment by a dermatologist is not carried out at this stage, then this can be dangerous not only for the beauty of the body, but also for health in general.

It is important to know that acne is a multifaceted disease, its course depends on the individual skin. Therefore, there is no uniform classification system for acne, but some types of acne have been studied, correctly diagnosed and treated by dermatologists.

Types of acne

All acne are divided into two types:

  1. No inflammatory process.
  2. With an inflammatory process.

Pimples without signs of inflammation, in turn, are divided into open comedones, which look like blackheads, and closed comedones, which look like whiteheads.

Acne with inflammatory symptoms has the following names:

How to determine whether there is an inflamed acne on the face or not? The appearance of the first one is larger and it catches the eye, disfiguring the face. There are signs of tissue swelling, redness, suppurationbecause there is an infection. Inflamed pimples are often painful and uncomfortable. If the acne has no signs of inflammation, then at one moment it can turn into an inflamed one; all you need to do is introduce an infection into the skin pore.

Acne without inflammation

Comedones appear as a result of blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. These pimples contain thick fat, dead cells and epithelial scales.

If such a blockage forms outside the pores, then open comedones occur. Why are they black? Since the pores are open, an oxidation reaction occurs caused by the action of oxygen on lumps of fat. As a rule, blackheads do not cause any trouble, however, if an infection occurs, the situation becomes the opposite.

Closed comedones or whiteheads, wen occur when there is a blockage of fat in the lower part of the pores. They resemble blood clots because they have no way out. They are invisible to the eye and are often felt only by touch. However, some of them are still noticeable, as they rise above the surface. They are called millet grains because they resemble grains.

Closed comedones form on the face in the area of ​​the cheeks, cheekbones, forehead and they don’t bother me too much - there is no inflammation or pain. However, despite some harmlessness, they are still dangerous, since they are capable of combining with neighboring inflammatory acne under the skin. As a result, a voluminous cavity is formed, which is gradually filled with pus. Thus, the wen can worsen the situation significantly.

Inflammatory acne

Acne with an inflammatory process is also classified. For example, papules are comedones with inflammation, often arising from wen. In diameter their size is up to 1 cm, look like pink or red balls that rise above the surface of the skin. If you press a little, it temporarily changes color to white. Lacks white head. If the papule has grown from a blackhead, then you can see a dark fat plug. These acne are divided into types:

  1. Superficial. Their size is up to 5 mm, after disappearing they leave no traces, sometimes a temporary stain forms.
  2. Deep papules or nodules. They occupy the entire thickness, their diameter is from 1 to 3 cm. They are usually painful, colored red or blue-purple, when they disappear, they leave spots and scars on the skin that disfigure the appearance.
  3. Cysts. With severe inflammation, dense formations with pus are formed. Often several merge into one, forming a chain of cyst-like papules. If you touch it, you might think that it is a dense capsule. They consist of chambers that are connected by fistulas. They cause a lot of trouble and leave a mark behind.

Acne on the face: causes and treatment

As a rule, acne appears due to hormonal imbalance. It occurs in adolescence, before the onset of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and at menopause. Often hormonal disorders lead to hyperkeratosis when the sebaceous glands do not work properly. This pathology is characterized by an increase in the upper, stratum corneum layer of the skin. As a result, blockage of the sebaceous glands occurs, which leads to acne.

Open pores are a target for pathogens. Therefore, acne often occurs as a result of skin damage by subcutaneous mites or fungi. The second reason for acne is clogged pores, for example, when decorative cosmetics are used. With improper care, acne almost always forms on the face.

The reasons for the formation of acne also lie in lipid metabolism disorders, which are signaled by increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Typically, an imbalance is caused by hot summers, abuse of tanning, both solar and artificial, and baths or saunas. An incorrect lifestyle can also provoke the appearance of acne - these are bad habits, poor nutrition, when you eat fatty, salty, fried or spicy foods.

Other reasons include allergic reactions to an irritant, as well as lack of vitamins. Acne can occur during a cold, when the body experiences a decrease in immunity, resulting in disruption of the sebaceous glands. But they can also be provoked by internal diseases such as dysbiosis and cholelithiasis. In this case, acne is localized on the forehead. If endocrine or digestive system disorders occur, then the chin is affected. On the nose - you need to get your immune system in order.

How to treat?

Doctors and cosmetologists never tire of repeating that squeezing pimples on your own is contraindicated! As a result of home self-medication, unpleasant consequences arise, which are expressed in the spread of acne to new areas and secondary blood poisoning with the appearance of age spots and scars. Treatment of acne is a complex process, it includes a number of stages:

  1. Prevention of the appearance of new comedones. Prevention is based on the selection of the necessary care products for problem skin, improvement of the body as a whole, which includes proper nutrition, stimulation of the immune system, as well as monitoring the effect of treatment drugs on the body.
  2. Removing existing comedones with the help of medications, which include azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, tazarotene and others.
  3. Reducing the amount of sebum using hormones and retinoids. This figure needs to be reduced to 30% or more.
  4. Exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis using peels that contain salicylic or glycolic acid.
  5. Facial cleansing using gentle ultrasound or other hardware-based, low-traumatic methods. This is an excellent alternative to chemical peels.
  6. Antibacterial drugs are used for local and internal treatment of inflammatory processes.
  7. Using various types of dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, cryotherapy, mesotherapy, ozone therapy and other methods, cosmetic removal of the effects of acne is carried out.
  8. If necessary, parallel treatment of body systems is prescribed - treatment of the digestive system, gynecological, endocrine diseases.

Preventing acne

To prevent the occurrence and recurrence of acne you need follow a number of the following rules:

  1. The skin should be cleansed in the mornings and evenings with special mild products, for example, a water-soluble tonic, which will not only cleanse, but also moisturize.
  2. Makeup must be washed off every evening, especially if it is liquid powder or foundation.
  3. For washing, use water at a moderately comfortable temperature - barely warm or cool.
  4. It is necessary to regularly exfoliate dead skin particles with special scrubs or peels. To avoid putting a lot of stress on your skin, choose one product. It is better if it is a chemical peel, it is gentler than a scrub.
  5. Facial skin needs hydration and antioxidants. To do this, choose household products that are suitable for your facial skin type.
  6. Locally it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs, for example, based on benzene peroxide.
  7. You should regularly use sunscreen, this is especially important after procedures to exfoliate dead skin cells.
  8. It is necessary to regularly change clothes, bed linen, and face towels - this will prevent unnecessary contact of microorganisms with the skin.

So, the main place in preventing the appearance of acne is prevention with proper skin care. But if acne does appear and is spreading, then you should not wait, much less start treating yourself; you should immediately go to a dermatologist to stop the inflammatory process.