Vienna Central

Central veins

Central veins are vessels that run in the central part of the body and play an important role in blood circulation. They are part of the venous system and collect blood from various organs and tissues such as the liver, kidneys, brain, heart and lungs.

One of the largest central veins is the hepatic vein - the central vein of the liver. It collects blood from the liver and sends it to the heart. In addition, the central veins play an important role in metabolism as they transport nutrients and waste from organs and tissues to the liver for processing and removal from the body.

It is also important to note that central veins can be susceptible to various diseases such as thrombosis, varicose veins and other circulatory disorders. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of your veins and, if necessary, seek medical help.

In addition, the central veins are an important element of the circulatory system and play a key role in maintaining human health. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to their condition and disease prevention.