Vika Transitional Syndromes

Vika Transitional Sirodyo is a psychiatrist who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of various mental disorders. She was educated in Germany and worked in various medical centers and hospitals. Her research interests focus on the study of psychopathological conditions and the mechanisms responsible for their development, as well as the development of new treatments.

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The question of whether a syndrome with this name exists is not controversial. This is confirmed by references to synonyms from two dictionaries (See literature) and research by Pagnini and Geffner (1976). The following is characteristic of all combinations of symptoms mentioned in the works: nausea is combined with trembling, hiccups with palpitations, headache with fever, vomiting with vision. More specific symptoms occur with clouding of consciousness (nausea with hunger), dizziness (double vision), epigastric pain (vomiting) or lower back pain (stabbing pain), tachycardia (thirst), migratory pain (various groups of symptoms, most often neurogenic ); There may be a sensation of palpitations or pain in the head, vascular disorders (hemiparesthesia in R., 1968). Complaints usually arise from the accumulation of external irritations or diseases, which makes it possible to determine the time of onset of an acute psychogenic syndrome. At the beginning of the disease, the patient is dominated by vegetative disorders, but over time they are joined by other symptoms. The connection between psychosomatic disorders and certain groups of patients (manic-depressive psychoses, consequences of traumatic brain injuries and infections), as well as heredity, is described. However, opposite combinations of symptoms or their absence are not uncommon. It can be assumed that these syndromes, as a form of somatogenic dysontogenesis, are characteristic of disorders associated not only with the influence of organic causes, but also with the pathology of higher nervous activity.