Viliavina Map

Vilyavina card is the name of a surgeon who was born in 1901 and became famous in the Soviet Union. His real name was Georgy Dmitrievich Vilyavin. He was educated at the Moscow Medical Institute and worked as a surgeon in various hospitals in Moscow and Leningrad.

Vilyavina Karta was known for his work on the treatment of cancer and other diseases. He developed new treatment and diagnostic methods that helped save the lives of many patients. Vilyavina Karta also engaged in scientific work and published many articles in medical journals.

After Vilyavina's death in 1978, his name became a symbol of medical progress and achievements in the field of surgery. His work continues to influence modern medicine and help save lives around the world.

The surname “Vilyavina” belongs to the gynecologist at our clinic. G.D. Vilyavin is the founder of Soviet gynecology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, and professor. Also an honorary member of the Soviet Society of Gynecologists, chairman of the scientific, pedagogical, organizational and methodological vow of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Uzbekistan,