Wilson-Konovalov Disease

Wilson-Konovalov disease: causes and treatment

Wilson-Konon disease is a chronic disease caused by metabolic and liver dysfunction. The disease is associated with excessive accumulation of copper in the body. There is too much copper in various human organs, including the brain and liver. Wilson-Konovalov disease can be either hereditary or acquired during life. If a person is born with this disease, he must live with it all his life. But the disease can be prevented with preventive measures. Symptoms of the disease may also differ from patient to patient. Most often, patients complain of the following: nausea and vomiting, frequent diarrhea, decreased appetite, abdominal pain, drowsiness. However, each symptom may vary in severity. Some patients may not experience any symptoms at all. To diagnose Wilson-Konovalov disease, several blood and tissue tests must be performed. If Wilson's disease is detected, it is important to begin treatment as soon as possible. The first step is to limit your dietary copper intake and stop smoking, alcohol and medications containing copper. Medicines can help relieve symptoms and stop the progression of the disease