Violent Cry

Forced crying is an involuntary emotional manifestation of a person in a state of strong excitement, which can lead to negative consequences for health or social adaptation. This phenomenon occurs in mental disorders, as well as in diseases and damage to the brain. Crying can be the result of a number of physiological and mental factors that can lead to violence in the body. In this article we will look at the basics of this phenomenon and its impact on people's health and behavior.

Forced crying is a type of emotional distress that occurs when experiencing negative events. It is the body's response to stress, overload or loss of vital values ​​such as trust, safety, love, support or communication. This type of crying differs from the common pattern of sobbing, when a person realizes the depth of his sadness, bitterness or grief, that is, he refuses words or communication because he feels broken and hopeless.

In addition, violent crying is rarely accompanied by a deep level of emotional reaction and usually occurs in short periods of time, regardless of the situation. Violence is associated with emotions of agitation, despair and depression, which turns a person into an indifferent, aloof or cynical person. For this reason, this type of emotion is more often perceived by others