Virchow's Disease

Virchow's disease: history and description.

Virchow's disease is called a hyperplastic or proliferative type of pulmonary fibrosis (a special morphological variant of diffuse matte pneumofibrosis). The etiology of this disease has not been established. A large number of patients suffering from this disease do not have a history of any predisposing pathology. There is also no specific incubation time. According to a number of experts, the initial signs of pain may already begin in the womb or in childhood, perhaps this is due to the process of development of the fetal lung tissue and changes in its structure during the newborn period. In addition, it is known that a patient who has had kidney disease and an inflammatory process in the lungs will have an increased risk. It should be noted that Virchow's disease is not considered a disease in the literal sense of the word, since it does not lead to a deterioration in the quality of life with a constant level of compensatory mechanisms