Rift Valley Fever Virus

Rip Valley fever virus (Rift)

Short description

*Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is a single-stranded RNA genomic virus that was discovered in 1947. This virus appears to belong to the family Bunyaviridae and subphylum Mononegavirales.* https://ru.wikipedia.org/__ai, __https://en.wikipedia.org/_wiki_Rift_Valley_fever_virus __t__ General characteristics

Etymology The name "Reef Valley" comes from the English. “rift”, which means “rift” or “crack”, and “valley” - “valley”. Thus, the original name of the disease can be translated as “location with faults in the valley.” RVFV is a potentially fatal virus that can cause fever, pneumococcal disease, meningitis, encephalitis, or hemorrhagic nephritis. This infection is currently known only in Africa, where it occurs almost every year in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Uganda, Sudan, South Sudan and Eritrea. However, climate warming may lead to an expansion of the area limited by the natural focus of infection. It should also be noted that RVFV has no identified clinical symptoms and its symptoms are caused by the pathogen. The disease usually begins to appear several weeks after infection. [[1]](_ftn1)

Common symptoms include high temperature (fever), fatigue, malaise, loss of appetite, headache, muscle and joint pain. In moderate to severe forms of infection, jaundice due to damage to hepatocytes, pancreatitis, pulmonary edema, hemorrhage into the meningeal tissue (meningitis) and pneumonia are observed. Other diseases associated with RVFV include bullous hemorrhagic syndrome, inflammation of the meninges, and internal bleeding. Sick people may experience temperature changes, pulse and breathing rates increase, and the veins in the neck may swell. If measures are not taken promptly, the fever may continue for more than two weeks. Fatalities occur only in rare cases. In some developing countries such as Burkina Faso,

Introduction. Rift Valley fever virus (hereinafter referred to as Rift Valley fever virus) is an infectious disease that occurs as a result of infection with the Varicella-Zoster virus (shingles). This virus can cause serious complications, including meningitis and encephalitis. In this article we will look at the causes of the Rift Valley fever virus, symptoms, treatment and prevention methods.

1. What is Rift Valley fever virus? Varicella-zoster is a herpes virus that can cause cold sores (known as cold sores) as well as a shingles rash on the back, chest, head and neck. It can also affect the nervous system. In some people, the virus still exists in the nerve ganglia of the body and can cause girdling pain as it moves out of the nerve ganglia. It can also cause eye infections and hearing loss. Varicella-zoster affects millions of people every year. Symptoms include fever, muscle pain, headache and chest pain. For most people it is just an illness that goes away after a few days. But for people with weakened immune systems or if they are infected with another virus, it can cause serious consequences such as encephalitis or meningitis. 2. How can you become infected? Rift Valley fever virus infection occurs through mucosal contact when coughing, sneezing, or interacting with people infected with influenza or other viruses. 3. Symptoms of the Rift Valley fever virus. Symptoms of viral Rift Valley fever are rarely observed in the early stage. Symptoms may appear within a few days, but most often develop within

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the total number of new cases of COVID-19 infection worldwide has exceeded 5 million, of which more than 363 thousand are in the United States.

The real scale of the epidemic may turn out to be tens or hundreds of times higher than official records, because the country has launched a number of measures to reduce the spread of information - the media may ignore a number of important cases and prevent people from going to medical institutions. According to the analysis by Eugene Cui, which we previously discussed, there are approximately 2 times more cases of coronavirus infection in the United States than indicated in official statistics. He points out that this parameter applies to all “fatalities” associated with the disease, including pseudo-fatalities. In the USA, the share of citizens who died not from Covid, but were infected with it, is 50%, but in Russia this figure is only 4% (i.e. 12 times lower). In the United States, about 6% of those who have recovered from the disease are without death. We show you this with signs of different colors so that you can easily navigate them. All of them are based on calculations by Cui, a mathematician from Texas (USA), who wrote a scientific paper on this topic. His research shows that unofficial deaths and actual cases of infection have risen to record levels. Although this indirect confirmation of mortality from SARS-CoV-2 contributes to understanding the true scale of the epidemic, we recommend that you take this assessment critically. First, the statistics are presented in the US press from March 2020 to the end of April 2015, and therefore are potentially biased. And second, the data presented may not be representative of the U.S. population as a whole.