Mahogany-Hammock virus

Mohogany Hammock virus: Mahogany Hammock viruses are members of the Mosaic hammock disease viruses and are caused by the Pasteur bunyaw virus, a disease endemic in horses and in Africa, Asia and South America. To this day, it is not clear how the virus could get to Hawaii and take on epidemic proportions. The virus is highly adaptable, has several strains, which are united under the same name “mahogany virus,” and several different groups. Hawaii group and Australia group. They are distinguished only by differences in extracellular proteins. The Mohogan Hammock virus has high viability in biological material of horses, while the Mohagean influenza virus has low viability. The virus spreads very poorly through water contamination; the Mohagean flu virus is very stable in light and when stored frozen for up to 3 months. Groups of animals and distribution in nature are not infected. .

Here are photographs of some of the virus particles: ![enter image description here]( ![Mosaic Hantavirus](https://oi64.tinypic. com/apqyab.jpg)