Mumps Virus

Mumps virus is an infectious disease caused by the mumps virus. It is also known as mumps and is a common virus in the world. The mumps virus causes epidemic infections that affect not only the nervous system, but also

The mumps virus is an infectious disease that is transmitted through contact with an infected person. The syndrome is characterized by pain in the ears, swelling of the salivary glands and throat, as well as an increase in body temperature. The virus is transmitted through contact with the saliva or secretions of a sick person. Symptoms usually begin to appear 3-5 days after exposure to an infected person. Diagnosis is made based on clinical signs and laboratory tests. Treatment of the virus includes taking anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs, as well as the use of painkillers and immunomodulatory drugs. If symptoms of the disease occur, you should consult a doctor for advice and treatment.