Vyrzungov Protok

Wirsungian duct (ductus Wirsungianus) is an anatomical term that refers to the pancreatic duct that opens into the duodenum. This duct was discovered and named after the German anatomist Johann Georg Wirsung (1600 - 1643), who was one of the first researchers of the pancreatic ducts.

The duct of Wirsung is about 2.5 cm long and opens in the duodenum at the level of the first bend of its groove. It is an important channel for transporting bile, pancreatic juice and intestinal contents from the pancreas to the duodenum, where they are mixed with food and prepared for further digestion.

The discovery of the duct of Wirsung was an important event in the history of anatomy, as it made it possible to understand how digestion occurs in the human body. In addition, the study of the Wirsung duct is of practical importance, since its pathologies can lead to various diseases, such as pancreatitis and diabetes.

In conclusion, the Wirsung's duct is an important anatomical entity that plays an important role in the digestive process and may be associated with various diseases.

The duct of Wirsung or ductus wirsunius is an anatomical structure that is located in the human pelvis and connects the bladder to the genitals. The Wirsung duct is an important part of the urethra and is about 25 cm long. It is formed by tubes of connective tissue and is located between the posterior wall of the bladder and the prostate gland in men and between the uterus and the bladder in women.

In medicine, the Wirsung duct can be damaged or narrowed due to various factors, such as inflammatory processes in the body, hormonal disorders, infectious diseases, injuries and surgical interventions. When the duct narrows, it can cause problems with urination and reproductive function. Treatment may include conservative methods, such as reducing inflammation and improving blood flow in the area, as well as surgical correction of the duct.

However, in addition to diseases, the duct of Wirsung is given great importance due to its role in the formation of reproductive function. Its canal contains the testicular arteries, which are a source of nutrients for developing sperm. The Wirsung duct produces ejaculate, which is a mixture of seminal fluid and the prostate. This explains its role in the production of male sperm. The ejaculate contains a high concentration of sperm and other substances necessary for fertilization of the egg. Thus, the Virchungian duct plays an important role in the intimate process of conception.

Another feature of the Virhung's duct is its ability to change its width depending on the degree of arousal of a man. This allows you to adjust the speed of the ejaculate to ensure a more reliable connection with the egg. In addition, education