Vishnevsky-Donetsky Anastomosis

Vishnevsko-Donetsk anatomostim or Vishnevsko-Donetsk anastomosis is a surgical operation that is performed to connect blood vessels between two organs. This allows blood to circulate between organs and improves their functionality.

The Vishnevsky and Donetsky anastomosis was developed by Soviet surgeons A.A. Vishnevsky and D.A. Donetsk in the 60s of the XX century. This was an attempt to develop a new operation to connect arteries and veins. The method turned out to be very effective and reliable, so Vishnevsko-Donetsky anastomosis is widely used in modern medicine.

The main reason for the development of the Vishnevsky-Donetsk anastomosis is the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases, which lead to serious consequences. Pathology of the veins and arteries can cause not only the development of chronic heart diseases, but also lead to the death of the patient.

Thus, the Anaston Vishno-Dontsky operation is one of the most effective ways to treat vascular diseases of the body. It ensures rapid restoration of normal blood circulation and prevents serious complications.