Vitamin A Natural Vitamin A 6000Me

Vitamin A is an essential nutrient needed to maintain healthy eyes, skin, bones and the immune system. It is one of the main retinoids - a class of compounds that contain vitamin A. Natural Vitamin A "Vitamin A 6000ME" is a preparation that contains retinol, the active form of vitamin A.

The country of origin of the drug is the Czech Republic, and the manufacturer is the Valmark company. The drug is presented in the form of capsules, each of which contains 6000 IU (international units) of retinol. The drug belongs to a group of retinoids that are important for many functions in the body, including vision, bone development and immune defense.

The drug "Vitamin A 6000ME" is recommended for the treatment of hypovitaminosis and vitamin A deficiency, infectious diseases, skin diseases, eye diseases, rickets, malnutrition, acute and chronic respiratory diseases, erosive-ulcerative and inflammatory lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, cirrhosis of the liver, epithelial tumors and leukemia, for increasing the resistance of hematopoietic tissue to the action of cytostatics and mastopathy.

Contraindications to the use of the drug include hypersensitivity, cholelithiasis, chronic pancreatitis and pregnancy in the first trimester. It is necessary to limit the use of the drug in acute and chronic forms of nephritis and cardiac decompensation.

When using the drug "Vitamin A 6000ME" side effects may occur, such as headache, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, fever, drowsiness, peeling of the skin, gait disorders, pain in the bones of the lower extremities and hypervitaminosis A. Children may experience fever, drowsiness, sweating, vomiting, skin rashes and increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure.

The interaction of the drug "Vitamin A 6000ME" with other drugs includes enhancing the effect of tocopherol and its preparations, as well as reducing the risk of hypervitaminosis D. Nitrites and cholestyramine can interfere with the absorption of retinol.

An overdose of the drug can cause severe headache, dizziness, drowsiness, blurred vision, convulsions, uncontrollable vomiting, profuse diarrhea and severe dehydration.

It should also be borne in mind that increased doses of the drug can be hazardous to health, so it is recommended to strictly adhere to the recommended doses and not exceed them without consulting a doctor. If any side effects occur, you should consult your doctor immediately.

In general, the drug "Vitamin A 6000ME" is an important drug for the treatment of various diseases associated with vitamin A deficiency. However, like any other medicine, it must be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with the recommended doses and rules of use.