Vitamin C Natural Megavit C

Natural vitamin C "Megavit C": benefits, uses and side effects

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient needed for the proper functioning of the body. It is involved in many processes, such as strengthening the immune system, collagen synthesis, improving the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as tissue restoration after injuries and operations. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that protects the body's cells from harmful free radicals.

Vitamin C natural "Megavit C" is a product produced in the Czech Republic by the pharmaceutical group of ascorbic acid. It contains 600 mg of ascorbic acid per tablet. Megavit C is manufactured by Wallmark and is also sold under various brand names such as Additiva Vitamin C, Asvitol, Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin C Dinosaurs and others.

The use of "Megavit C" is recommended in cases of hypovitaminosis C, hemorrhagic diathesis, capillary toxicosis, hemorrhagic stroke, bleeding (nasal, pulmonary, uterine and others), infectious diseases, intoxication, alcoholic and infectious delirium, acute radiation sickness, post-transfusion complications, liver diseases ( Botkin's disease, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis), gastrointestinal tract (achilya, peptic ulcer, especially after bleeding, enteritis, colitis, helminthiasis), cholecystitis, adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease), sluggishly healing wounds, ulcers, bone fractures, dystrophy, physical and mental overload, pregnancy and lactation, hemosiderosis, melasma, erythroderma, psoriasis, chronic common dermatoses.

However, before you start using Megavit C, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications. It is not recommended for people who have hypersensitivity to the components, a tendency to thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and diabetes mellitus. Before you start taking Megavit C, you should consult your doctor.

When using Megavit C, side effects may occur, such as irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), arterial hypertension, headache, insomnia, allergic reactions. If any side effects occur, you should stop taking Megavit C and seek medical help.

In addition, you should not exceed the recommended dose of Megavit C, as this may lead to an excess of vitamin C in the body, which can cause serious side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, headache, irritability, insomnia and others. The recommended dose of "Megavit C" for adults is 1-2 tablets per day.

Overall, Megavit C is an effective and safe product that can help strengthen the body and protect it from harmful environmental influences. However, before you start taking Megavit C, you must consult your doctor and follow the dosage recommendations.