
Vitergin is a multivitamin preparation produced by the Slovenian pharmaceutical company Lek DD.

Basic facts about Vitergin:

  1. Country of origin - Slovenia
  2. Pharm group - multivitamins without minerals
  3. Manufacturer - Lek DD (Slovenia)
  4. International name - Vitergin
  5. Dosage forms - chewable tablets with different flavors (exotic fruits, strawberries, lemon with/without sugar, berries)
  6. Ingredients: vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP
  7. Indications: prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis, increased need for vitamins
  8. Contraindications - hypersensitivity to components
  9. Side effects - rarely allergic reactions
  10. Interactions - not established
  11. Overdose - no data
  12. Special instructions - no
  13. Literature - Directory "Medicines" ed. M.A.Klyueva, 9th ed., 2001

Vitergin is recommended for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis in adults and children over 4 years of age. The drug is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects.