Vitiligo Pointed

Vitiligo is a disease in which the skin stops producing melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing pigment. In other words, areas of so-called vitiligo spots appear on the skin, devoid of melanin. The disease can be caused by various factors and manifests itself differently in each person. One of the most common types of vitiliga is vitilinous maculae, also called punctate vitiligo. This formation is located on the back or chest and looks like a small milky spot.

Point vitiligo can manifest itself as a separate type of disease, but most often it is a symptom of some other disorder in the body. The cause of vitiliziga is most often heredity, although other factors can also be a provocateur. Often, the appearance of a spot first appears on the skin, and then it spreads to nearby areas of the body. The appearance of vitilignant points is due not only to heredity, but also to the peculiarities of metabolic processes in the skin. The main factor that leads to the appearance of vitiligo spots is hypomelanosis - a violation of the formation and transmission of pigment substances throughout the body.

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