Vitrum Kids

Country of origin: United States of America

Pharm-Group: Multivitamins without minerals

Manufacturers: Unifarm Inc. (United States of America)

International name: Vitrum Kids

Dosage forms: chewable tablets

Composition: 1 chewable tablet contains vitamin A (retinol acetate) 2500 IU, vitamin D3 (colecalciferol) 400 IU, vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) 15 IU, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 60 mg, vitamin B1 (thiamine) 1.05 mg , vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 1.05 mg, vitamins B12 (cyanocobalamin) 3 mcg, nicotinamide 15 mg, folic acid 0.3 mg, pantothenic acid 5 mg, biotin 0.1 mg.

Indications for use: Vitamin deficiency, hypovitaminosis, lack of macro- and microelements in children (prevention and treatment), period of intensive growth, reduced protective properties of the body, recovery period after illnesses, colds (prevention), unbalanced diet, decreased appetite.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, hypervitaminosis A and D, age under 2 years.

Side effect: Allergic reactions.

Interaction: Concomitant use with other drugs containing vitamins A, E, D and iron is not recommended to avoid overdose.

Overdose: In case of accidental overdose, consult a doctor. Treatment: gastric lavage, administration of activated carbon, symptomatic therapy.

Special instructions: Do not exceed the recommended dosage. It is possible that the urine may become intensely yellow (the presence of riboflavin in the drug) and the stool may be dark.

Literature: Encyclopedia of Medicines 2005