
Hello readers! Today I would like to tell you about an unusual incident that happened to me recently. I was faced with a situation that left me in shock and fear. The fact is that I was at a doctor’s appointment when he called me to a medical consultation commission (MCC).

The VKK is a special commission created to solve complex medical problems. It consists of experienced doctors and helps make decisions in cases where a regular doctor cannot cope with the task.

In my case, the call to the VKK was due to the need for surgery to remove a tumor in the abdominal area. I was completely at a loss, because I did not understand how I could be connected with such a serious situation. But the doctor explained to me that this was not a normal case and I would need to go through all the procedures before surgery.

When I came to the WCC meeting, I was very excited. I was surrounded by several doctors who started asking me a lot of questions about my health and medical history. They also ran my labs and tests to make sure I was ready for surgery.

Despite the fact that all this was frightening and unexpected for me, I decided to submit to all the requirements of the commission and went through all the necessary procedures. After that, I returned to my doctor, where he set a surgery date for the next day.

The surgery was successful and I was able to return to my normal life after several weeks of rehabilitation. However, this incident taught me that you should not ignore medical and health-related procedures, even if they seem unusual or mysterious to you.