Humidity Absolute

Air humidity

Air humidity refers to the presence and amount of water vapor in the outer part of the atmosphere. For the calculation, the maximum possible distillation capacity of water compared to what is available, according to the water vapor pressure, is taken into account. The actual measurement is possible using a psychrometer, hygrometer or barometer (


Air humidity is one of the most important parameters that determine air quality and human life. It is extremely important to maintain an optimal level of humidity in order to avoid various lung and skin diseases, as well as health problems in children and adults. This is why it is so important to know how to measure humidity and control its parameters.

Absolute air humidity

Absolute humidity is an important indicator of humidity, characterizing the maximum content of water vapor in moist gaseous air at a given temperature. Relative humidity characterizes the ratio of absolute humidity to the maximum possible at a given temperature (usually the density of air saturated with water vapor at the same temperature).

Determining absolute air humidity is necessary when solving a number of problems related to heat exchange processes between the human body and the surrounding air. Absolute humidity is expressed either in g/m3 or kg/cm2 of water vapor.

So, to calculate relative humidity, the ratio of the partial pressure of water is used