Intra-aortic infusion

Intra-aoral infusion is a procedure in which drugs are injected directly into the aorta, which allows for maximum concentration of the drug in the blood and ensures a rapid onset of action.

Intra-aortic infusion can be used to treat various diseases such as hypertension, heart failure, myocardial infarction, and to prevent complications after heart surgery.

The procedure is performed using a special catheter, which is inserted into the aorta through the femoral artery. The drug is then injected through the catheter, which quickly reaches the aorta and is distributed throughout the body.

One of the advantages of intra-aortic infusion is the rapid onset of action of the drug, as it immediately enters the bloodstream and begins to act. In addition, this allows you to reduce the dose of the drug and reduce side effects, since the drug is not distributed throughout the body, but is concentrated in the blood.

However, intra-aortic infusion has its own risks and complications, such as damage to the aortic wall, bleeding and infection. Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and choose the right drug.

In conclusion, intra-aortic infusion is an effective method for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. However, before carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to undergo careful preparation and choose the right drug.