Water for facial irrigation

According to Ekaterina Komarova, a member of the Union of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists, art director of the Moscow beauty salon “Modny Dvorik”, mineral water, in addition to its main functions - quenching thirst and treating various diseases, can also serve as a cosmetic product for facial skin care.

What are the benefits of mineral water for the face?

Mineral waters have been used in skin care for quite some time. And they have become especially popular in the last few years. Simultaneously with thermal water for the face in the form of sprays, which appeared on the cosmetic market.

The composition of such waters is incredibly rich in its chemical composition. And every useful component is simply irreplaceable for our skin. Mineral water helps soften, nourish and moisturize, has an anti-allergenic and immunostimulating, wound-healing and bactericidal, toning and lifting effect. Eliminates excess oil, tightens pores, evens out skin tone, prevents dryness and tightness, helps fight teenage acne and age-related changes in the form of facial wrinkles and loss of elasticity.

Error-free use

Mineral water for the face should be selected depending on your skin type.

Mineral waters with a high salt content - "Borjomi", "Essentuki", "Narzan" - are suitable for caring for oily and combination skin, as well as porous skin. They help reduce the oily sheen on the skin and narrow its pores.

For those with normal or dry skin, low-mineralized ground waters are better suited - “Holy Spring”, “Golden Key”, since, in addition to the toning effect, they also have a softening effect on the skin.

You can only use mineral water without gas, as carbon dioxide dries the skin and can cause irritation. Therefore, before using for cosmetic purposes, carbonated mineral water is left in an open container for 30-40 minutes.

We offer you several procedures using mineral water. You can choose your own mineral water for your face. By the way, it is quite possible that you will be able to use all the recipes.

Ready-made recipes for some procedures

  1. Washing with mineral water. Dry and flaky skin will be a thing of the past if, instead of chlorinated tap water, you wash your face with mineral water every morning. It will be useful to perform contrasting washes, alternating warm water with cold.
  2. Mineral ice flakes. After washing, it is recommended to wipe your face with pieces of ice made from mineral water (they can be easily made in an ice tray in the freezer). This helps to narrow pores, strengthen and contract facial muscles. This ice massage serves as an excellent workout for the muscles, they become stronger and better support the skin, which allows you to avoid the appearance of wrinkles longer.
  3. Lotion with mineral water. 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs pour 200-250 ml of mineral water, brought to a boil. Infuse the broth in a sealed container for 20-30 minutes, then strain. Every time after washing, wipe your skin with lotion with mineral water. This lotion can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. For oily and combination skin, chamomile, nettle or calendula are suitable, for dry and normal skin - mint and birch leaves.
  4. Find a fine spray bottle and fill it with mineral water that suits your skin type. You can spray your face with this water several times throughout the day. This is beneficial for the skin itself, especially in hot weather or in winter in radiator-dry rooms. The procedure also helps extend the life of your makeup, which will last better. And finally, the fine spray produces a micro-massage effect on the skin, which is surprisingly beneficial.
  5. Anti-aging mask. Mix a teaspoon of sugar, the same amount of flour and 50 g of fresh yeast and dissolve in a glass of heated mineral water. Leave in a warm place for 3 hours, then stir everything well and apply to the face. After 20 minutes, rinse with plain water, rinse with mineral water, and use your nourishing cream. You can do this mask every other day.
  6. Mask for normal skin. Pour a teaspoon of oatmeal with 50 ml of mineral water and add 4 drops of lemon juice to the mixture. Leave the composition for half an hour and distribute on the skin of the face. Leave for a quarter of an hour, wash with running water, and finally with mineral water.
  7. Mask for dry skin. Mix a couple of spoons of honey with 3 drops of chamomile essential oil, pour in a little mineral water and apply the mask to your face. Keep it on for literally 7 minutes and rinse off as described above.
  8. For oily skin. Grind a pinch of salt with 3 drops of lemon essential oil, then dissolve this mixture in 50 ml of mineral water. Add 8 drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of oatmeal. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin. After 10 minutes, the mask is also washed off with mineral water.

After just a few days of use, you will be convinced that your efforts were not in vain!

2019 Blog about beauty and fashion

Hello, dear readers! Did you know that mineral water not only quenches thirst and treats diseases? It is also used in cosmetology for facial care.

It restores balance in cells, soothes the skin, nourishes with oxygen, retains moisture in cells, improves complexion, and nourishes with nutrients.

Mineral water for different skin types

For different types you need to use different water.

For normal to dry skin Low-mineralized water is suitable - “Sofia Kyiv”, “Ordana”, “Golden Key”, “Holy Source”, “Naftusya”, “Morshinskaya”, “Truskavetskaya”. It tones and softens the skin.

And for oily and combination you need to use water with a high salt content - “Borjomi”, “Essentuki”, “Narzan”. This water will tighten pores and reduce oily shine.

Chemical composition and benefits

It contains elements such as chlorides, bicarbonates, and sulfates. If the water is of high quality, then the composition can contain magnesium, calcium, fluorine, and potassium.

Mineral water for the face has the following beneficial properties:

  1. it supplies cells with oxygen and other useful substances
  2. relieves swelling
  3. retains moisture in cells
  4. improves complexion
  5. cleanses the skin
  6. removes toxins from the skin
  7. restores metabolism in cells
  8. tightens pores
  9. makes the skin elastic and smooth
  10. tones
  1. mattifies

Tips for use

  1. You cannot use mineral water for cosmetic purposes if it is carbonated. First release the gases, pour water into the bowl and leave for 30 minutes. Only when they are verified will it be possible to perform procedures. Otherwise, you may experience skin irritation.
  2. Add it to masks, lotions, tonics, scrubs and other facial care products.
  3. Wash off masks and scrubs from your face with mineral water.
  4. Wash your face every day with mineral water to cleanse your face and tighten pores.
  5. To achieve the effect of use, you must regularly do facial treatments with water.
  6. It is better to choose water in glass bottles. This one is harder to fake.

Effective facial recipes

There are different procedures for facial skin using mineral water. Choose the ones that suit you best:

  1. Washing.
  2. Mineral ice cubes.
  3. Lotion.
  4. Irrigation with mineral water.
  5. Face masks.

Washing. It is recommended to wash your face every day with mineral water instead of running water (which dries out our skin).

Mineral ice cubes. You can freeze water and wipe your face with ice cubes to tighten pores and avoid the appearance of wrinkles.

Lotion. To prepare the lotion we need mineral water and herbs. For normal and dry skin, take birch leaves or mint, and for oily and combination skin, take nettle, calendula or chamomile.

Take 2 tables. l. herbs and 200 ml of water. Bring the broth to a boil, leave for 30 minutes and strain. Wipe your face with lotion every day.

Irrigation with mineral water. Irrigate your face with a spray of water. If you irrigate daily, the cosmetics will be better preserved. It is not necessary to buy sprays in stores. You can do it yourself. Simply pour mineral water into a bottle with a nozzle and spray on your face as needed. The spray moisturizes the skin, especially during the heating season.

Face masks. If you are making homemade masks and they contain a component such as water, then it is better to use mineral water.

Mask for normal to dry

Take 1 tea. a spoonful of basic vegetable oil, an yolk, half a teaspoon. spoons of mineral water.
Apply the mixture to the face. After 3 minutes, apply a second layer. Next after 20 minutes. wash off the mask.

Mask for combination and oily skin

The main ingredient of this mask is bodyaga. Dilute it to a paste with water. Apply to your face, and after it dries, rinse with mineral water.

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  2. Seal

Irrigation of the face with mineral water, To perform this procedure, a specially designed device by Dr. A.A. is used. Kryukova. The device is a hollow longitudinal-oval mask, closed at the front with a plastic shield.

Mineral (sulfide) water is supplied to the mask, which is supplied under a pressure of 2.5-3.0 atmospheres and a temperature of 40-42°C. Inside the mask there is a tip with three small holes for spraying water coming from the pipe leading to the mask. A valve is built into the latter to regulate the intensity of the stream of water irrigating the patient’s face.

Before leaving the procedure, the mask is washed with mineral water coming from the tip, which is enough to obtain a disinfection effect.

The patient is seated on a chair in front of the sink at a distance sufficient for him to freely place his face in the mask. The nurse then ties a towel around the front edge of the mask and the edge of the face adjacent to it. Having assumed a comfortable position, the patient opens the valve of the pipe supplying water to the tip, and a spray of water evenly irrigates the face. From the moment the valve opens, the nurse begins counting the time of the procedure on an hourglass installed near the patient.

In case of weak or strong pressure of the water stream, the patient adjusts it by turning the valve until he establishes a pleasant sensation of water spray. Your eyes may be open or closed during the procedure. This depends on the prescription of the attending physician. The exposure of the procedure is 5 minutes daily, for a course of treatment there are 12-15 procedures.

Indications: acne, dermatitis, increased oiliness of the facial skin, age-related atrophic phenomena of the facial skin.

Contraindications: allergic dermatitis, acute febrile conditions.