Wolf Strangler and Bars Strangler

The one who takes them experiences a feeling of astringency and dryness on the palate, on the uvula, in the esophagus and in the pulmonary tube, accompanied by swelling from his mouth, harmful smoky vapors rise from his mouth and it comes to a stiff tongue, twitching in the temples, shaking and spasms of the complexion turns brown and suffocation occurs. At the same time, a rumbling sound is heard in the stomach and many winds are formed. For someone who has drunk a badger, every time he wants to get up, sadar and darkening appear in the eyes and moisture appears in the eyes, and a heaviness is felt in the chest. The barostrangler grows on the land of Heraclea and in other places it has a bitter taste and a nasty smell.

Hurry to make the patient vomit with the juice of the bug, then give him an enema and then give him, for example, mountain sugar or horehound, or rue, or bitter wormwood, or Armenian cypress wormwood with wine, or dubrovnik in wine, or drink balsam oil in the amount of one and a half dirhams in wine, the best wine is the one in which iron or silver or gold was quenched. Iron scale itself helps well, as does the rennet of various animals, especially the rennet of deer, gazelle and kid. Then come the buttery soups.