Volkov-Oganesyan Compression-Distraction Apparatus

Volkov-Oganesyan Compression-Distraction Device: a new word in traumatology

Volkov-Oganesyan Compression-Distraction Apparatus (VOKDA) is an innovative device developed by Soviet traumatologists and orthopedists M.V. Volkov and O.V. Oganesyan in the 1970s. The device is designed to treat various injuries and deformations of bones and joints, as well as to solve many other problems in the field of traumatology.

The operating principle of VOCDA is based on the use of compression-distraction technique, which consists in the fact that bones or joints are subjected to simultaneous compression and stretching. This allows you to act on tissues and stimulate their growth and restoration. This also ensures bone stability, which helps avoid possible complications.

VOCDA has several advantages over other treatment methods. Firstly, it allows you to reduce the duration of treatment and reduce the rehabilitation time of patients. Secondly, the device can be used to treat various types of injuries and deformities, which makes it universal. Thirdly, VOCDA allows one to avoid surgical intervention in most cases, which helps maintain tissue integrity and rapid recovery.

VOCDA consists of several elements: clamps, stretchers, compression screws and rods. All of them are made of high-quality materials, which ensures the reliability and durability of the device. In addition, VOCDA is easy to install and dismantle, which simplifies its use.

VOCDA has become widespread in medical practice and is used in various countries around the world. It has proven its effectiveness in treating injuries and deformations of bones and joints, as well as in solving other problems in the field of traumatology. Thanks to VOCDA, many patients were able to avoid surgery and quickly return to normal life.

Thus, the Volkov-Oganesyan Compression-Distraction Device is an innovative device that opens up new possibilities in the treatment of injuries and deformities of bones and joints. It allows you to significantly reduce the time of treatment and rehabilitation of patients, preserve the integrity of tissues and avoid surgical intervention in most cases. VOCDA is a new word in traumatology that benefits millions of people around the world.

Volkov-Ogansyan - a compression distraction device is a design for skeletal traction of the limbs. The device allows for traction, distraction and reposition of bone fragments used for bone fractures in conditions of surgical trauma. There are several types of the Volkov-Oganesyan apparatus, which are used by orthopedists to treat bone fractures and joint displacements. These