Vomerovaginal Canal

Vomerovaginal canal: structure and functions

The vomerovaginal canal, also known as canalis vomerovaginalis, canalis basipharyngeus or basipharyngeal canal, is an anatomical structure that plays an important role in the functioning of the human body. It is located at the back of the nasopharynx and connects the nasal cavity to the vagina through the nasal septum and palatine cartilage.

Structure of the vomerovaginal canal

The vomerovaginal canal is a tube about 3-4 cm long and about 0.5 cm in diameter. It runs along the nasal septum and palatine cartilage and ends at the level of the posterior wall of the vagina. The walls of the canal are formed by bone and cartilaginous elements covered with mucous membrane.

Functions of the vomerovaginal canal

One of the main functions of the vomerovaginal canal is to ensure drainage of secretions from the sinuses of the nose into the vaginal cavity. This is especially important in the presence of upper respiratory tract diseases, such as sinusitis, when secretions cannot pass through the nasal passages normally.

In addition, the vomerovaginal canal plays an important role in regulating pressure and ventilation in the middle ear cavity, as it provides communication between the nasal cavity and the ear. This allows you to avoid the occurrence of pathological processes in the middle ear, such as otitis media.


The vomerovaginal canal is an important anatomical structure that plays an important role in the functioning of the upper respiratory tract and middle ear. Its structure and function are essential to understanding many diseases associated with these organs.

Vomerovaginal Canal: Anatomical feature or myth?

Human anatomy contains many complex and interesting structures that help us understand the structure and functioning of the body. However, among these structures there are sometimes some terms and descriptions that raise doubts and discussions. One of these terms is “Vomerovaginal Canal” (canalis vomerovaginalis).

The Vomerovaginal Canal, also known as canalis basipharyngeus, canalis basipharyngicus, or basopharyngeal canal, is thought to be an anatomical structure connecting the vagina and nasal cavity. However, it should be noted that there is considerable discussion and controversy among medical professionals regarding the existence and role of this channel.

Doubts regarding the existence of the Vomerovaginal Canal are based on insufficient scientific evidence and insufficient support from leading anatomical and medical sources. In modern medicine and anatomy there is no unambiguous evidence of the existence of such a channel, and its description and purpose are not confirmed by scientific research.

One of the versions of the origin and spread of the term “Voznikovovaginal Canal” is its appearance in the literature and publications of unreliable or unconfirmed origin. Perhaps this is an erroneous or incorrect interpretation of anatomical data, which subsequently led to the dissemination of incorrect information.

It is important to understand that in scientific medicine and anatomy, accuracy and reliability of information are extremely important. Therefore, before using the term "vomerovaginal canal" or its analogues, caution should be exercised and the lack of scientific evidence supporting its existence should be taken into account.

In conclusion, the Vomerovaginal Canal remains a controversial and poorly supported anatomical term. Currently, there is no sufficient scientific evidence for its existence and functional role. Therefore, when studying anatomy and exchanging medical information, it is important to rely on proven and up-to-date sources, as well as consult with qualified specialists.